Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania (2024)

VOL 44 NO. 91. MAINE COURT DECISION REPUBLICANS FtvIXY SUSTAINED J. I. Smith, Greenback, Gover nor by t'ualon Legislator Gen i'hnmbcrlntn's Card The Republicans Jubilant.

F.anqor, Jan. 16. Following are the principal points in the decieion of tbe 6a pretne Judioial Couit. which are addressed to Eon. Joseph Locke, President of the Seu ate, iind Hon.

George E. Weeks, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Auguit Me, "Question 1. Answer, the Governor and Couu cil hart no right to summon a person to at tend and tf.ka his sot in the Senate or House of Representatives; who by the returns before tsam ftas not voted fjr or being voted for, was dofssted." lfiitiono 2, 3 and 4 are answered tog3lher. "Uniler the facts recitnl, in a (titemeut sub' milted to us, wa are of opinion that Lewis Voter and Lis aeseoiatea first named in the third question, were not entitled to act, and that Cyrus A. Thomas and bis associates lastly namedan the question were entitled to act in the House as members, and that Can.

True ind those first named in question four were not entitled to act, and that Andrew Hawa and others with him named, were eo' titled to act cs members cf the Senate." Rentftlicans nr iololng FnaionUt, Wenkeuiue. AcoWta, Jan. 10 Hundreds of Republican arc in tbe city and there is great re joicing among them over the Supreme Court decision, The Fusionists are corres pondingly depressed. There are some here who sre urging the Fusionuh to resist the Cjurt, so forward and impeach the Judges, but many Fusionfsls announce their intention to field. Twenty are known to be in favor of suimitting.

lucre is division in their raiks. Yflmt the Legislature Did Yelert1ny Augusta, Me, Jan. 16. At 11.60 a.m., Hcuee sent a message to the Seneu, in forming it that Joseph L. Smith and Aloneo Garcelon Lad bsen selected as the constitutional candidates for Governor.

A committee was appointed to receive, eoit, and eoutt the votes for Governor. The vote resulted in the unanimous choice of Joseph L. Smith, eighteen votes being cant. A good deal of bad feeling is manifested. EXECUTIVE COCSCILLORS CH03EN.

In convention of bcth Houses of the Lais htare the folios ing get'cineo were chosen Eiecut've Councillors First District, Edwin C. Moody, of York; Second District. Charles H. Chase, of Portland; Third District, John B. Redmon, of Eliawoitb; Fouit'i District, Henry H.

Priest, of Vssealboro; Fifth District, William M. Rust, of Belfast; S.ith Ditt ict, John B. Foster, of Bmgor; Seventh Diafrict, Charles K. Whidden, of Calais. Of ie councillors chosBn, Moody, Chase and Fottr were members of Governor Gircelon's council; John B.

Redman is a young Elldworth lawyer, end belong to tbe JJemocrstic wing ct thepaity; Uhsrlca U. Whidden, a young man of about thirty, edits the Greenback pap at Calais, and was formerly a Rtpublicau; Henry Priest, of Vaf salboro, is a lawyer and a Green backer of Republican antecedints. The seventh man is William M. Rust, of Belfast. He owns the rroymsive Age, which wss the Republican organ in Waldo county until li year, when it went into the Greenbstk movement.

He WAS formerly in the House, and has held other office. None of the ether men have had experience at Augnstt. The convention was then dissolved, and at 1 30 p. ra. both houses took a recess nctil 4 m.

GOV. SMITH INAUGURATED HIS MFflSAGE. Beth branches of the Legislature reaesemnled at four o'clock. The committee to wait upon J. L.

Smith and inform him of his election reported Mr. Smith's acceptance of tbe office. At 4.39 p. no. a joint conversion was held in the ball of the House for the purpose of administering the oaili of office.

A committee was appoirtid to wait upon the Governor and forthwith Mr. Smith appeared accompanied by the heads of the Departments, the outgoing Council and the Attorney General. The oath was then administered" by A ting Presided Ellis, of to.e Senate, after whioh proclamation was made by the Secretary of tbe Senet) and Governor Smith delivered his message. ABSTRACT OF OOVEKNOB'b MESSAGE, Giv. Smith in his message referring to the prcsert stale of aflairs in Maine eays: "The charges of violence and intimidation in various Mate elections I would refer to as a matter that causes greit anxiety in every pstriotio breast.

Even in our own State there sre like charges of fraudulent and oppressive metns employed to control the action of voters, supported by evidence too s'roog and direct to ad tnlt of reasonable doult.that such is the lamentable fact, and further, it is too notorious to deny that net corned with the employment of such criminal methods as charged in elections, thero was devised and actually into operation a scheme ti overawe and intimidate our late Chief Magistrate in the and legal discharge of the dctie3 of his high office. The firm and dignified manner in which he and the Councillors, under the abuse and indignities heaped upon them, discharged their responsible duties in conformity with the conslitntion, laws en precedents established by bis predecessors in office, is woi thy of and will receive the highest eocomiurns of all citi iens who truly have the welfare of the State at hoail The practical denial of tbe free right of sufl'rsg. or unrtu influence over the exercise of that right, whether effected by bribes, by actual or threatened personal violence, or by threats of withdrawal of employment or patronage, is equally reprehensible. I would recommend that you "First, see that our own laws are so framed as to protict the purity of the ballot box in our own State. ''Second, that you express by a declaratory resjlvaths convictions of the Legislature in that behalf." Tbe balance of (lie message is mainly devctidtothe exposition of the Greenback movement.

MORE BRIBERY DEVELOPMENTS. The bribery examination was continued today. Swann, Solon Chase and Harrison repsiltc. tbpir already published James 0. While, Biriliolomew, Wentworth aad Alfred Cushnwi tbr.t attempts were mule to bribe thtm.

GOV. CHAMBERLAIN WILL gEg FAIR PLAY. Governor Chatoberlain has issued an order giving his psreonal guarantee that all rights sbkli bi respected and attcmp's to gain unfair advantage shall not be permit'ed, OES. CHAMBERLAIN WOHT RECOGNIZE SMITH Joseph L. Smith has been chosen Governor he will net lieue any order that will ciinfl ct wi the position of Chamber, lain.

Heis no! a rsh and will eee to It tint his soaillon is fully sustained by the Coutti baore proceeding lo action, no will awa toedecisioa of the Courts on tbe questions Defers them b'fnre tikio? a single step that willinlerfcre w'ti the ordsra of General Crumbs lain. Mr. fimbh will not be receg niid asG overnor by Gnierel Chimbrrlslo. Watirvillb, Jno. 18 The director of toe Lockwood (Jj'ipMiy have in session hen tc toy.

Thn following vctt wai unaoimoislr vw.A Vo'ed, Uut In the Snoot cntlition of tustteri pertaining to the overnnt in Ihit Suit wi can act ask capi tiliets to join cs in the creation of a new mill and that question be lndcnmteiy postponed fitmtla Summoned to Their Armory Augusta, Jan, 10 At 5 o'clock this morn Ing the Richards Light Infantry of Gardiner had orders to appear at their armory at o'clock: this morning, The men were gath arlng there at an early hour. There was no disturbance at the State House last night, Th Weatber To Day. Indioationt for th Middle Allanlic Slates Slightly warmer, partly cloudy weather, Kindt generally from Bouthtmt to southwest and station' dry or slowly fulling barometer and in entrant northern portions, light enow. BODGING TOE INCOME TAX, An Opinion from tbe Attorney General', umoe on iuo jjanuer's tax. A Harrisburg special lo the Philadelphia Timet says Auditor General Scbell recently decided that the salaries allowed members of a firm of private bankers or brokers as hire are not exempt from the three per cent income tax.

The rust'er was referred to uty A'torney General Gilbert, who suttiintd the Au4itor General. General Gilbert says that no member of a firm ecgaged as bank ers or broken can charge lor his services as a clerk and deduct such sum from the net luoome of the business so as to re dnce the amount upon which the Commor. wealth lavs a tax. If one partner or membtr of a farm devotes more me to its business than the other partners or members, or brings to ill transaction a greater degree of skill, tbe greatsr value of bis services can be properly recompensed by giving him a larger snare of its profits arising from tbe But, between the firm and the Commonwealth, he stands, in respect to the value of bis services, upon an equality with all the other pirtners or members of the firm. No broker, except those known as stoeK broker, bill broker, ex change broker, real tite broker and private bank, is liable to the three per cent, income tax in addition to bis license fee, By tbe evasion of the tox mentioned in the foregoing opinion the fctste has lost from SiO, 000 ta $15,000 yearly.

HTER9 AID UOKBY MAY WIN, Rogjrf sonlntlve t'lriuer Determined to uenew annugnni loueaiate inquiry, A Washington special to the Philskelphia Evening Telegraph of yettirday eays Representative Clymer, who succeeded Mr. Springer as Chairman of tbe Committee on Expenditures in the Department cf Stole, is deter mined to renew the Shanghai Consulate in vostlat'tioa immedietaly, with a view to bring ing this long agitated question ta a close. In transferring the papers, this committee were authorized to for persons and papers, and the investigation will now be carried on vig orously. If the result reached is the same as in the Mpnoger investigation, articles of impeachment will be repoitid to the Hooaa and action demanded tt once. Secret iry Earts, in speakieg of this matter, eays that ho will make no change in Mr.

Seward's relations to the Government in advance of the termination of this investigation, as he does cot wish to place him beyond the reach of the Government in case the allegations against him are sustained. The Etntemecta that tho resignation of Minister Ssward is in the hands of the Secretary, or that he has indicated a desire to be relieved, are untrue, end wholly Witho ut foundation. Aliened Defnleatlon by nn ex OQulnl of Pitmburg, Jan. 16 Allegheny county corses to the foro with a esnsation in the shape of a defalcation cf the late Prothono tary, B. F.

Kennedy. The hte offijial has gone West, as is alleged, with a well known female of this place, (he objsciive paint biting either Colorado or Mxicr. It is alleged that there it a defiait in fundi under the cue of tbe official Bggresaticg bat Ilie county authorities state that the deficit, if ny, exists In tho funds of toe registry of )oe county courts. Tho rumors on the so far as can be ascertained, cannot be corroborated as to public funds. Iatimate friends, however, who are his bondsmen, have no hesiialion in asserting tbtt Kennedy Is a defaulter, Ke leaves behind him a wife and family.

Cnrtln Yncnm Vann. Slur Reerred BacK to ilia feilo, Washington, Jiu. 16Mr. Springer, Chairman of the Bomb Commitleo cn Elections, says tbtt eo noauy complicated questions are Involved In the Ourtin Yooum case that It is loot improbable that the case will be relegated to the people for a new eleolion. No decision to that effect, however, has yet been reaohed.

Oloknctr, Prosldontlnl UUl Sleet with Fat or, Washisgton, Jan. 18 Thtj nub coicmit tee of tbe House hsving ia charge the joint resnlut'on introduced by Mr. Bickcell, providing for an amendmstt to the as to tbe election of President and Vice President have decided to report ft favorably to the full ooiamltlee. Arcbbikbop rutcell'a Hiiucc4nor, New York, Jan. 18 A dispjtch from Rorco 1 1 Us that his Holiness, Pcpe Leo XIII, approved tho appointment of Right Rev.

Dr. Elder, heretofore Bishop of to Ijb coadjutor, with thn right of succession to the Arcbbiiiliornic of Cincinnati and to the admin istretion gf the arcbdirewp. t'nmberlitnd Loamy a nrdcr Trial. Cablulb, Jan. 1C The trial of W.

H. Wynl oop for the murder of Mrs. Kiehl was this morning. A nnmbsr of w'taeses for the Comsnonweal'h were exnni ined, their testimony beipg very damaging. The Court House bis been crowded all day, Gen.

Grant's Trip to Rawnn. Fhrhahdiha, Jar. 16. The steamer Admiral oaiUd for Cadar Keys tc dsy where she will take Gen. Grant's peny on bonrd fcr nav.tna.

LAST NIGHT'S DISPATCH EN. Frank Leslie's will haa been proband. Ea Uaves Mi eutlr estate to his widow, tils two sons will contest th, will. Longfellow will be eiyentylhree yearn old on the S7th of this month, ami the CloclojinU schools will cclebrtts Mi birthday. Victoria's band of Int'iaos ambushed IS tni mtirdcrcd them all, and subsequently killed eleven ont of thirty five New bills of indictment in the Legislature Bribery canes will be presented to and upon by tho Dauphin County erawl Jury on Monday next.

The snow is nearly five fct deep et Seattle, Oregon. Two warehouses, threo blackinlthihops and one mtll were demolished by the weight of the snow. Senator Blaine is said to be one of the SprlLger heirs who Uy claim to a large tract of land In Delaware Including the site of Wilmington. John MoGowen, of Philadelphia, sued the City Pusenger Railway Company of that city for being run over by one of their cars and losing his foot, and yesterday won a verdldt of Sl.COO, The Washington piinta ta report that the Boston Advntlier will come nut for General Qrint for President within a few drjys and that It Mil announre that Senator Hoar tsj a supporter of the Qcnoriu, Tbe late Mm, Dickens endtueiS for the past eighteen months a cruel malady, fro no which her suffering! were at lire's state. READING, SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 17, 1880.

THREE CENTS. SWEETS TO THE SWEET. THE SCGAB I5DUHTRY IX BERKS. Will Berk, be the Pioneer In Saga Production In Pennsylvania Wont Cnn Be Done Seedi to bo tiiveu Away To Day, Secretary Fox, of the Berks County Agri cultural Society, in accordance with a resolution passed at the last meeting of the society, has been In correspondence with different parties in reference to the production of eugar from eugar Some valuable Id for mation is being obtained, which will be carefully digested and will be presented in a report to the society at the February meeting. Great attention ia being devoted to the subject of sugar beet culture in this country, and the manufacture of beet sugar is destined to become a great industry in the Unitad States.

A company is Doing organized for tbe manufacture of beet suaar near rbilaaeipma upon the kronen principle, and it is desired to encourage farm' era to engage in the cultivation of tbe sugar beet, for the purpose of developing a supply oi material for the factory. A journal will ehoitly be published in Philadelphia to be known as The sugar iJeet," which it la to circulate among farmers for the purpose of inducing them to undertake sugar beet culture. WHAT BEKKS COUKTT II DOIN8. In this county sugar beet) have been euc cessfully grown, and some eectioES seem to be peculiarly adapted to tbe crop. Mr.

Henry Kessler, formerly of this cr, raised on his farm in Octolaunee township latt year some enormous specimens of eugar beets, several of which were exhibited at a recent meeting of the Agricultural society, Jacob G. Zsrr, President of tbe society, has also been quite successful in the cultivation of sugar bej upon his farm nearGeiger town. Hon. Frederick Lauer. of this city, first directed the attention of the socl*ty ev eral years ago to tbe importance of the beet sugar industry, lo a series of well prepared articles, having been a close obswver of this Industry in France and other countries of Europe.

Now that the agricultural society has succeeded in greatly stimulating fruit growing and tobacco culture in this county, it is to be noped that some thing may be done to encourage the cultiva tion of the sugar beet, and tbet Berks may become the pioneer county of Pennsylvania in developing an industry which may greatly add to tbe resources and wealth of tbe State: WHAT OOMM'b LB DUO HAS DONE. Hon. William G. Le Duo. Commis' (doner of Agriculture, has given the sub ect of the manufacture ot sugar the most serious consideration, in fiew of the fact that the United States is compelled to import tbe saccharine substance annually to the extent cf to fVlhWU.WU.

Xbis great drain of gold from this country should be stopped, can only be checked by encouraging tbe produstion of eugar in the United States. Tbe Commissioner of Agriculture has jmt issued circular letter relttive to the manufacture of sorghum sugar, for the purpose of giving full information in reference to the production of sugar from maisa and sorghum. In this letter he says: "The development of this industry is of so much importance to the general welfare of the country that no effort will be spared to indues all persons provided with the apparatus necessary for manufacturing to engage in experimcLt! In this direction and to report tbe results, whether satisfactory or otherwise, to Ibis Department." 8SEES TO BE DIBTRIBUTED TO BAY. Secretary Fox has just received from the Department of Agriculture, in anewer to a communication sent by him to Commissioner Le Due, some packages of of Minnesota Early Amber Surghuro, or Sugar Cane," which will be distributed at the annual meeting of the Berks County Agricultural Society, to be held in the Court House this afternoon. This variety is said to have originated in Minnesota, and is claimed to have been the result of accidental hybridization.

It is a dutinct and very early variety, grows from ten to twelve feet high, ripens in about ninety days from germination, and is remarkably rich in sac charine juice, yielding from 150 to 800 gallons of a beautiful, golden colored syrup per acre, which granulates readily six to eight pounds of eugar per gallon. Rev. Chandler Hare's Lecture Last Night. Tbe third lecture of the Christ Cathedral Course was delivered last evening by the Rev, Chandler Hare, of Lehanon, upon "Robinson Crusoe and his man Friday." The lecturer began by saying that as the Rer. Joseph Cook, Boston, always bad a prelude he would have one too.and gave a number of humorous reasons for sslectirjg bis subtect.

The lecturer extended some good advice to tbe young, welling strongly upon the importance of the mechanical arte, and said that instead of a yousg man being afraid to become a mechanic" be ought to be proud of it. lie illustn.tid this poiit from Robinson Crusoe's experience in ttking a wbole year to mount a grindstone. Tbe lecture evinced a good deal of literary research in its preparation. One of iti futures was a highly amusing account of tbe errors in the first edition of Robinson Crusoe, The lecture was listened too with deep attention, and is pronounced by those who beard it. to have been the most brilliant of all that have been delivered.

Head Ing B. Train olllwlon terday BKUIKKEB AMD FIREMAN KILLED OH KOETH UBAKCH BEAB LANSDALK. Our Poltstown correspondent, M. writes that "tbe express train from Bethlehem to Philadelphia on the North Pena branch of the Reading Railroad collided with a freight train between Lansdaleand North Wales this mornirs. resulting in the instant death of tbe engineer and fireman of the former train, and serious end perhaps fatil injury of a number of other persons.

Tbe men killed were James Dealy and Thomas Rcigner. Both are Phil adelphians and have families'. The morning was foggy ana tne ireigni irsin, wnicn was standing still, was net seen until tbe ex pries was almost upon it. The express engine was tlpttic ana tetany wreuieu. a.

portion oi thn train fell down the embankment along side of the road. The train had several sleep ing esrs The Ollnger Storage Beaervolr. Work upon the Olinger storage reservoir will bn resumed by the oon traitors, Messrs. Levi Mtlt.berger next Monday. Operations were temporarily ouapended in const qtience of the swollen condition of the Ollnger creek, caused by reoent rain storms.

The reservoir will now be constructed as rapidly as possible, in crder that it may be completed by next summer; otherwise we may again suffer from drouth. According to a Harris hurg paper the cost of pumping water from tho Susquehanna river last year, for the city of Horrteburg, exceeded Will of John Arnold, Deeeased. The will of John Arnold, late of theoity of Rffidicg, deceased, was yesterday admltt to probate' in the Register's office. Charles P. Arnold, son, and William C.

Dewson, ton In Jaw of lbs deceased, are the executors. Personal, Col M. 8. Euen, ol the firm of Brooks Brothers, clothiers, Eroadway, N. was in town yesterday to talte me oroer oi iub mug Csld Band for their new uniforms.

nnnth of Mrs. Meeea Welaer. Mil Moses Weiser, of Minersville, Schuylkill county, died this week and will bt buried this afternoon tt two o'clock. She was a lady possessing a large acquaintanceship through out Berks and Schuylkill ooucties. She was born and raised in Hamburg, where her father, John Shenk, held the position of postmaster for many years.

Her husband, who was engaged in the furniture and undeitiklng busi ness in Minersville, died several years ago, and the business was conducted by his widow, now also deceased. She raised a large family of children, who are all grown up and are amone tbe moBt respected cttiasns of bchnyl kill county. Mrs. B. Shartle, Fifth and Washington streets, is a sister.

The deceased was about 70 years of age. Blngg old Band's Jfew Uniform ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST MILITARY SUITS DASHING, SHOWY, ARTISTIC BLUE, SOAR LET AND GOLD. The Ringgold Comet Band has concluded a contract with tse celebrated clothiers, Brooks Brothers, JMew lark city, for the purchase of a new uniform, to be made in regula tion army style. The coats will be of im ported dark blue ctrth. decorated in scarlet and gold.

Expanded oak leaves formed of 6 8 gold braid will cover the right and left breatt, and the sleeves will be elaborately trimmed from cuff lo tlbow. The cuff is to be of scarlet clctb, pointed, and edged with 6 8 gold lace. A ecerltt cloth collar, trim med with 5 8 gold lace on the top. and fine loopB of Irco all arcund the neck will complete tho front view. The back of the ooat will have a scarlet side edge made with 1 4 gold lsco extending from the bo torn of tbe ekiit to the right and left shoulder point, and on each side of the Isce there will be one line of gold lace.

Tuc pantaloons will be of French doeskin end a lighter shade of blue tban tbe coat. Ua tbe outside cf each leg there will be a row of one inch gold laoe and through the centre of the lace a scarlet stripe. The band invited proposals frcm clothiers at home and abroad, and they closed with Brooks Brothers because that firm does tbe work cheaper and uses the beet and costliest material. Brocks Brcthers furnished the First Corps Cadets, of Boston, the wealthiest military organization in the couLtry, with a uniform, also the Germania Band of Boston; supplied Reeves' Band, of Providence, K. 1 with three uniforms last year; are eoetumers to Gilmore's Twenty Second New York Regiment Bind, end equipped the City Greys of Harrisburg.

The shako, pompon and shoulder knots for the Ringgolds will be secured from Biker Mc Kenney, No. 141 Grand street, N. who furnish the State military supplies for New York in their line, and the most extensive establishment of the kind in the oountry. The shako will be of dark blue w'th gold lace around tbe head and crown and a silver harp mounted on scarlet and gold on the front. The upper half of the pompon will be black and the lower half dark red.

Tbe shoulder hncta bearing the silver harp insignia on the shoulder will be of scarlet ornamented with erold lace loops and fit close to the shoulder. The belt will be of eoarlet leather and gold mountings. The Ringgold Band will create a tension when they mass their crtt appearance Ihree weeks' hence in their new it combines tbe beautiful and dashing, is both artiit'c and showy, in fact one of the handsomest of military suits. Poaltry Show Close Te.Doy. The Poultry Show will tloee at ten o'clock this evening after a wek'j successful duration.

A number of visitors from the country are ex pected to day. The exhibition efibrds an excellent opportunity for ct idying closely the peculiarities of tbe diiUrsnt breeds of poultry. Some fowls on exhibition ate really marvels. The pair of Ligtt Brahma fowls exhibited by John Rshrer, of this city, which were awarded fint premium, present the unusual spectacle of a hen heavier than her weight. The hen weighs 14 pounds, (a weight rarely excelled) and tbe co*ck weighs 14 pound's.

The formar scored 02 and the latter 92 poicti. Mr. Rehrer has made a specialty of breeding Light Brahma fowls for a number of year. lb association are greatly indebted to their friends in this city who oSertd special premiums. Through this rueaus the socittyhas saved considerable expense, and the shew will prove a nnanoial success.

I1 allowing special premiums cifored by friends and members of the association have been awarded: Best light Brahma Rehrer, whits Leghorn fowl, John Gotticball, bert brown Leghorn chicks, Lewis F.Lamb, $250: best whito Lszhorn chicks, John $2 50; best Plymouth rock fowls, A. U. Ureth, box of cigars valued at be Dominique Leghorn fowls. A. (' Buckwalter, $2 50; golden penciled Hamburg fowls, John best silver penciled Hamburg fowls, John Gottachal, best Plymouth reck chicks, four shirts, valued tt $4: best black breasted red game fowls, Evans, 32 60; best Plymouth Rock co*ck, AC Urc.h, best black breasted game bnntnm fowls, John Fleming.

best white leghorn chicka, Go'tjchal, 6 bottles cf Clinton wine, beet light Brahma chicks. Dorwart, $2 60: beat silver duckwing game bantam chicks, A beat display of pigeons, Bon, $5. Tbe Penn Street Railway. Evan Mishler commenced ruuniDn yester day a light omnibus di.iwa by four handsome wbite horses with plumes oa their heads over the line of te Peon street railway, from Frott and Penn streets to East Reading, making regular trips every halt hour. Cyrus ti.

Derr, has appealed lo tbe Supreme Couit from the dsoree of the Court below in the equity c.w. Johu F. Smith, has been appointed Master in Chancery. Barean of Emioloymnat Acknowledg ment. The Bureau of Employment gratefully ac knowledges $1 from "A Friend." In spite of the inclemert weather on Thursday afternoon fifty eight women made sppliceticn for sewing and were supplied, There is ill a queLtiiy of nicely made clothing at tbe rooms which in th course of he winter ought to find a ready sale, and ail persons wbo ma think of purchasing are invited to come and Heroine it.

Albany Llleritry Society tbrtiiKce its The Albany Littiary Socitty.whioh recently removed from Menhy's echcol house to Keno ton hr.ll, Uui ra. a desirable change as far ssi t'endanoe is concerned. At the last mettirg some sixty were present The question oiscntsid waf Keto'ud, Tbtt whites were justified in driving the Indians from thasoll." It was unanimously decided in favor of the negative. Tonus; Lady Scalded Teiterday. Mies Alines Trego, cf Chett county, who is on a visit to her node, Davis Etiufier, No.

417 South Sixth it reel, was yesterday se verely ccalded about the face. She carried a bucket of boiling bot water into tbe yard and accidentally fell and the water pound over the right tido of her face and one hand. Her injuries are exceedingly painful, bet not dan gerous. LOCAL DASHES. Many of our citizens are eufleriog with severe colds.

Snow shovels have been cf compaiatively little use this winter. Storekeepers who do the meet business also do the most advertiuing. The increase in the itmub of days is becom ing quite noticeable. Uid faabtoEca tortoise sbeu oc com can ce remodeled after present deeiges. Girls are scarce now a days, because most of them aspire to be young ladies.

There basceen little need ot navini horses rough shod so for this winter. Rainv nights ere very baid on horses leu exposed to tho weather, and injure them greatly. Nothing more quickly consumes the vital energies than the violence of the emotions of the mind, SOLD AT LAST. SOUTH JHOtTJfTAIlT BAILBOAD 005B Bought by tbe Stockholder for Sfomlnal Bum A Legal Flank Movement Executed at Harrlaburg by a Danphln Creditor. Information received states that the South Monctiin Railroad over which there has been so much litigation, was sold on Thursday by Sheriff Reel, of Harrlsburg, under a writ of fieri facias issued by the Dauphin County Oourt upon a judgment obtained in 1877 by Mr.

Samuel Eby, a banker of Elitabethtown The judgment was for overdue coupons upon bonds issued by the railroad company, and for an amount of cash lees than $200. The sale of the road wa3 originally announced to held at the auction houie of Hartell Letch worth, No, 610 Market street, Philadelphia, but owing to soma ambiguity in the decree of the court, the property was withdrawn and the sale postponed. Major Mumma, a prominent lawyer of Har risburg, obtained tbe judgment, which has been lyicg unexecuted for years, and was only brought iLto force when the holders of the South Mountain bonds, having had serious difficulty in obtaining possession through foreclosure proceedings in the United States Cir cuit Court, fortunately for them, discovered its existence. Mesrt. Fleming and Mc Carrol obtained the writ for the There was no opposition in the bidding lo the attorneys for the bondholders, who bought the property for a nominal sum.

Hon. let ter Clymer, the trustee for tbe bondholders, was net present, was unrepresented, and it is doubt 'ul if he knew the sale was going on. It is expected that the Couit of Common Pleas of Dauphin county will confirm tbe sale. The main line of the south Mountain Kail road is located and partially graded between Harrisburg, in Dauphin oounty, and Ham burg, in Berks oounty, a distance of 65 miles, together with a branch also partially graded, extending from the main line ct or near Hamburg to the city of Reading, in Berks county, a distance of twenty miles. The company has been insolvent for several years, and the effort to foreclose the mortgage under which the bonds of the road were issued, and winch waa given to ti.

Dawson Coleman and Hieter Clymer as trustees, has been long continued, lhe coolest in tbe courts has in reality beeu between the bondholders and Mr. Clymer, the surviving trustee, who, it is charged, has endeavored to prevent the owners of the bonds from okt lining control of the property. The sale, it is 6aid, will make further pro ceedings in tbe United States Court useless. Eullefrn. APottstown Bemembranee of Beading, AN Ei CniEF BUBQE88 WHO DID NOT CARE TO MAKE A FORTUNE IN AN HOUR.

A well known Pottstown gentleman, after visaing the poultry show in Keadmg one day this week was leisurely walking out Sixth street toward the depot, in that city, when be wesjuddeolyaocosted by a man standing in front of what appeared to be a clothing store, and was eeked to step inside to see the extremely low prices at whioh they were selling clothing. After get ing inside and not nctioicg a very extensive ttock, he was told that the proprietor sold principally by samples, and throwing out several ''books" of snmplei, (he salesman began to leaf over the ing a variety of goods. Shortly after another fellow presented a package cf envelopes, and asked our Pottttown friend to draw one out, which he did, uit knowing, of course, what it was for. He was then requested to open the envelope and found a card inside with a cer tain number on it. The i'cttstown gentleman was informed that he had drawn a $40 prize and the money was actually counted in bis hand.

"This is making money very fast." said Pottstown, but be was assured it was all right and if he would now take twenty of his foity dollars, to pay for the privilege, he could draw another envelope and would probably draw forty dollars more, which would give mm $ou lor his snare in tbe transaction. But he informed them that be did not want to make money so fast, and offered to return the $40. They insisted on his keeping the money, and assured bim tnat be did net yet under itind tho business fully and proceeded to ex plain tbe matter, nrgicg him. however, to rout down a privilege and draw another chance.but, as he has lived long enough for the froais of winter to turn bis whiskers gray, our friend, who by the woy is an ex Burgess, quietly laid down the forty dollars, telling the sharpers that he did net want their money, and pointing to his hoary locks, as much as to say "do you tee anything green 7 be stepped out of this mac trap, leaving them to try their game on more pliable material, while he was con tent to make money more slowly, but in a soft business. Thst this man escaped from this den whole, is owing to his own good common sense, coupled with his indomitable will power; bis good sense lling him that these men did net make a business of giving away money.

fo'Movn Close ol Quarter Session Court. In toe ease ol lhe Commonwealth vs. Geo. Suttie, the defendant having been tried on three charges of larceny, the jury rendered a verdict yesterday morning of ntt guilty iu each case. Tbe defendant was charged with pioking Daniel Boyer's pocket, stealing a watch from Reuben Bachman, aud robbing ELias Hartman in the P.

R. passenger depot, this city, on tbe "big day" of the county fair last lull. He was arrested by D'pot Matt a Boone. The evidence woa nut sufficient to convict. Tbe prisoner was over ihree motthi in jail.

Ho was discharged from custody yesterday. Cora. vs. Julius Scbillar and John Miller. The defendants were acquitted on ie charge of robbing the residence of Josiah Deitxicb, in ureenwicn township.

Com. vs. Percival Beyerle. There were two charges again' tbe defendant, and a verdict of not guilty wss rendered in each case by direction of the Court. Surety of the peace and deseit'on oases will be beard al 9 o'clock this morning.

AErlealtuml Hoelety Annual Heetinr. Jacob of Ueipeitown, Presi. dott of the Berks County Agricultural Socitty, arrived in Ihia city yesterday, for the purpose of being bere in time for tbe annual meeting of the Nociey. to be held in tbe Court House (third fl oor) this aternoon. The meeting hat been called for one o'clock, and will be organ promptly in order to enable farmers to paiticipate in the ectire proceedings and leave for home at a reasonable hour, as a number will no doubt depart in the afternoon railroad trains.

Tbe only contest will probably be fur the efflce of Secretary, and this oontut may result in a much larger attendance of members than has been usual at the aanual meetings. Another heap Boadlng B. Excursion Th next cheep excursiou over tbe Reading Railroad to Philadelphia will tike place oa 23. and is called the Farmers' special excursion. The fare will be 1.50 and the ticket) will be good for three days, The Bpeoial excursion train will leave this city at 7.45 a.

stopping only at Pctlt town and David Fox' 74th Birthday. On the 15th intt David Fox, No. 135 Car ptcter street, was 74 years of age. la the evening he was the recipient of several substantial recognitions from some of hi) Republican friends, to all of whom he returns bis grateful thanks. Reading; Ilnae Coming; Fair.

The Reading Hose Company are making preparations for their fair to be held in Library Hall on the 98rd continuing during that week. Following is the Committee of Arrangement: Wno. F. Weber, chairman; Mason, secretary; Henry Eieaer, treasurer; Samuel Siabr, George Stabr, John Spears, Charles Spears, Augustus Webekind, Charles Bowman, Anthony Baker, Charles Johnson and John G. Eleser.

The chairman of the Ladies' Committee ia Miss Bowman, assisted by a number of ladies of the ward interested in tbe success and prosperity of the company. The proceeds arising from the fair will be devoted te tbe purchase of a horse hose cart. Pottitown and Vicinity, THS SCAN KILLED AT KBAT2 STATION IDENTIFIED AS WM. J. MOBOAN PHILADELPHIA FIBS IN6INI CO.

FAIR, ETO. Correspondence Times and Dispatch, Pottstown, Jan. 16 The body that was found on the lOih of January near Krati's station, Perkiomen Railroad, has been identified as that of Wm. J. Morgan, and it is claimed by his friends that he had been foully dealt witb.

Deoeased had been well dressed and wore a heavy gold ring, but had only one cent in his pocket. No marks of violence were found upon tbe body. The jury retimed a verdict of death from heart disease or some other internal disease or cause unknown. The remains were taken to the almshouse and held for identification. He is a brother in law of B.

E. Williams, of Mahanoy Uty. Morgan left that place December and look with him oe.ween $zuu and lilOU Nothing was beard of him afterwards except that be was seen for two or three days in the vioimty ol bwenksville and Zaiglersville. forts are being made by Coroner Long ts to Whether the man bad been murdered. At a meeting of the Philadelphia Steam Fire Engine Company held this evening it was decided to hold a fair and festival in their new engine bouse from the 12th to the 23th of next une.

Ibis is done as a means to secure funds for tbe payment of the remaining in debtedness on the company's new building, which will be quite an ornament when com pletcd. A committee was appointed to bave full charge ol the fair, consisting of the follow ing members: Antrim, Loneaker. Thomas Yergey, Misslmer, A Scheffey. Feeelv. Dsniel Weldener, tfassett and Samuel a Bet' lolet.

At this same meeting the company de cided to loan to the Reading Hcse and Steam Fire Engine Company of Reading their pool wneei lor use et tbe latter company's fair to be neid in February. o'lowing are assessors' returns at lust sent to Norristown: Total number of taxables in Poititown, 1137; value of improved land. 62 value oi unimproved land, f511. 140; value of furniture (over $300) $5 900; number of horses, 192; value of horses, value oi yearly incomes, sivv. 14U: numtr of carrlfiges, 82; value of carriages, value of property taxublo for county Duruoses.

Rev. John F. Chaplain. D.D.. presiding elder, will preach in the Pctlstown Methodist Church next Sunday morning.

Mrs. Kcheeiz, mother of Dr. J. H. Scheets.

and mother in law of Mr. John M. Edson. slipped on the ice at her residence, on West King street, this morning, and falling frao tured her arm near the wrist. She is an seed lady and suffered great paic.

All Binds of newspapers aud periodicals sold by A. M. scbettay, 2U'J High street, Pcttstown. lhe Times and Dispatch. price 12 cents a week, or 50 cents per month, is delivered early in the morning to subscribers anywhere in town.

Try it. Mrs. Margaret ttwindeih, wife of Rev. James Swindells, died at Spring City, yesterday, 77 years, Uol. M.

Missimer and William McFar land, of Pottstown, were fox hunting in Chester coucty yesterday on foot and traveled about thirty miles. Their bounds soared up Reynard on Miller's Hill. South Douelasaville. and gave a long chase. When the hunters returned heme at o'clock last nlcht the hounds were still in pursuit.

Ice four and a half inches thick was being housed for Jonathan Keim, of Floral Grove, to day, The J. H. Davies farm at Crooked Hill has been leased by Zaphaniah Schatfler. Davis Unauer has employed twsntv Bve woodchoppers from Germany ts cut wood on Chestnut Hill. Some of the meD, whose ages range from 20 to 40 years, will chop woed for B.

F. Mortt, of DougUusville. Horace Munshower. seed seventeen Team. has been committed to Weit Chettsr jail for attempting an outrageous assault upon an eight year old daughter of George Knausr, of Knauertown, Chester oounty.

a. g. County Tax Beeelpta. Following are the reoeints of nonntr Uxea iu the Coucty Treasurer's office from the treat urers of the different district! mentioned, since the last report, all being for the year 1879. on acccuut, except where ctherwlse indicated: Jacob Behm.

Oler 120 20 603 00 115(0 26 00 256(0 108 CO 110 UO 1S8 62 lit 82 00 William Olinirur. Pari George Bland. Union maao uoueiistam, Kutslown, 78.. iu rrius. uougiagu Joilab 'lhomp)u, 9th Ward Charles Chrit, Penn John Drumheller, Earl James Haa.

Joieph 8 Hoyer. 1st Ward, a ocm euitr, am ward Holl, lid Ward ISO 00 1UH74 B.nneviile Kohrbaoh, District 00 i. uiiuu hudb, oetnei tm Nathaniel Mover, Lower Heldalbem lW 00 Samuel Kuth, Spring 614 00 Total 83,360 81 Large Porker Won ataRaullnjr Hatah Philip Weidner. Harry Whitesides and George W. Dauth won a 600 pound hog which was rsfJkd for at Jacob Gnau's Grand Opera House saloon, Penn Btrett below l'ourtb.

The hog was fifteen months old. and was obtained, when a shoal, from William B. Brossman, of North Heidelberg township. Tbe bog was slaughtered yesterday, and a guessing box was opened. IN AND AROUND TOWN, OKLY A WOMiM'S HAUt, Pus the brttereeutly.

Mahal. Shove It lightly thro' the air In the corner oi the dish, love. You will nnd a nut brown hair. What fond mem'rlei It awakens Of the daya are were wed. Whan upon my good coat oollar Oft wu laid jour little head I Lovingly I stroked those trasses, In the happy days sou by; Now I itrlke tnem every meal time In the butter or th pie.

If your paper fails to come regularly, advise sj. "Washington's Birthday" Is the next leial holi day. Country roals were never In a worse oondl Hon. Tho honey bees have gone back to winter Quarters. Tbe glila are sommonctiig to arrange leap year parties.

There Is at last some prospect for alelhiDf this winter. Live grasshoppers have been found In tho vitln ltyof Kartville. Daniel tipocht, cf Blrdiboro, gives music lesions In KarlvtUu. There are a number of vacant tenant houses uat uow In Amltyville. HANDKiwcniarBALS.

Having pnrohajed alarrt lot of Ladle' and Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs (iai hemmed) at a great sacrifice we shall offer the entire lot at very low prices, starting them in ladles' at 6, 8, 10, 12c; KvnUt' 10, 12, 17 and 26o. These roods are worth double the prices aked, Dives. uemy Btewart. 683 Peun street. T.

W. Ludwlg, of DouglassvUle, has laid out his land In building lots. James High, of Amity, bts been sumylng timber land on Fancy Bill. William Hoyer, of Pike township, shot aid studed two rbxe. Some farmers have been repairing fences and fixing up for spring.

Spring birds have been chirping around as though May was her, Tho snow of Monday night was a reminder that winter It not over. Us3 Eldney Wort and rejitoe In health. On paokage makes tlx quarts of Medicine. Ice men hayobesn uneasy onaceountof tho mim Charles 8hartle, of Womaltdorf, eaughi fifty eight rabbits during the fail. A MUSICAL SUPPE R.

ACNTT FATIXITZA'S KEITBEBBDS. Beantlfnl, Bewitching love Story Bntelan Head Turned Pacha, Who Cart fortheWdmtn Anyhow That BTasqnerade. Don't make Sunday the worst day of the week for your children. It is not necessary to give them permission to kick football in the hall or blow up the back yard with gun powder. Don't make them sit around with iog for Monday.

A little boy went to chnroh, and when he came home he said he wished he could be a minuter, because he could talk all he pleased and "heller" in the pulpit. That youngster visited the Berks county poaltry show yesterday with his aunt, and after listening to her descriptions of the Black Plymouth Speckled Spanish Bock Pencilled Poland Cochins and tbe Leghorn Brahms Carrier Chicks remarked Why Aunt Fallas Kn'ora Von Blur key You don't know chicken from trukey; High Spanish and Greek you can fluently But jour knowledge of poultry 1 murky, You can tell the rreat uncle of Moum. And the detes of tbe Warsof the Roses, And the rauons of ihlngs why the Indians wore rings In their red, aboriginal noses 1 Why flhakeipeare was wrong In hit grammar, And the meauicgof Hmenon's "Brainia," And yon ga chipping rocks with a little black box And a Bmall geological arc met You have views upon eo edn cation And the principal needa of the nation, And your glasses are blue, and the number you know Of the stars In each high constellation, And you wrote In a handwrlttny oltrky, And you talk with an emphuls Jerky, us jerr.y, in lhe SWettttt Of And you paint on mas But you don't know oatakea front turkey I There is many a financial genius in this world who has discovered three ot four ways in which the Ns.t:onal debt can be paid at easily as Signor Hermann finds a handkerchief. Theories are beautiful things. There's the matter of political cuseedneea.

lithe Republicans rake tbe persimmons, the Democrats shout "fraud," and if the Democrats happen to enjoy a season among the flash pots, the Republicans with upturned eyes charge "fraud." and when the Greenback get a chance well how is that anyhow? It's mud dled dowa in Maine. After ell it's only tbe political version of "Pinafore." After Hayes' election Democrats with great emphasis laid: We are the guardians of the land, And richt ocd guardians too And we will never permit, if we can help It, A fraud on the voters true. Republicans What never? Democrats No, caver. KtDUbllcans th Main tdor tlnnl Wht never? Democrats 11, only on pressing occasions. By the way Messrs.

Gilbert and Sullivan have had so librettos of their new onera. 'The Pint of Pensance," published. Bat 'the song of the "Major General," a oouittr part of "Sir Joseph," get into print, and the Tuixa add Dispatch with its nsual enter prise herewith preset: a verse, hoping all the readers will learn to sing it. I know our mythic history; King Arthur's and air uaraaoc fc, answer hard acrostics; I've a pretty taste for paradox; quota in elegiacs all the crimes of EeUogv In conloa I can flaor peculiarities parabolut. I oin tell unnouoled Raphaels from Cjeiaxd Dews and offaules; I know tbe oroaking chorus from the of Aristophanes, Then i can hum a fugue, of which I've heard the muBla dtuafni A And whittle all the airs from that fern I nanisms ''Plnaior." I can writs you out a washlne bill In Babvlanla cuneiform.

And tell you all the details of Oarac talus' uniform. In short, in matters vegetable, animal and mineral, I am the very model of a modern major general Matrimony is sometimes a terrible unnar tun affair. A girl appeared at the honse of a country cleryman on three several occasions with a man who was intoxicated, Of course, the clergyman refused to perform the ceremony. The last time they came tbe clergy mau, out of all ostience. asked her whv aha brought the man in that condition? "If you please, was the mm reply, "it's beotase he won't come wbea he's sober." Not a laugh was heard, nor a Joyous note.

AS onr friend to tba bridal we hurrUd: Not a wit dlschargei hia farewell Joke oa in nacniior want to ce married. We marred him quickly to save his fright, Our heads from the tad sight turning; And we sighed as we stood by the lamp's dim To think him not more discerning, To think that a baehalor, free and bright; Aod shy of the sax as we round him, Should there at the altar, at dead of night, Be caught lu th snares that bouud him. Tew and short were the words we said. inougn or case ana wine partaking; We tavorted him Irom th scene of dread. While his knees were awfully shaking.

Slowly and sadly we marched him adown rrrom uit lop to tn lowermost story; And we have never heard from nor seen the poor man Whom we left alone in his glory. A lad in a neighboring town recently came out of an orchard with his pockets bulging out with stolen applet. He was met by hi pastor wbo ntt oed hit efloiti to conceal the evidences of his guilt. "Have you beeattosling apples?" asked the mlnittar. "I have, sir," answered the boy.

"Aud you are trying to hide tbtm from me continued tbe good man. "Yes, sir," said the tulprit, brightening up, "You told us last Sunday that we must avoid the appearance of evil." That's what the author of to tie lines thought Nancy Lee and Johnny If organ Hiding on a lead of hay; Does your mother know you're out Uonrl Tcu thousand mile away! Little Fraud and Annie Laurie Tapping at tbe gar din gale; oni tujou i in insMarngnt, When a leilow's a little law. Little Butiereup and Blue Bird Fondly courting lu th rain; Happy little malaen whispers, Will be never come again! And 'tis nice to be a father When the swallows homeward Ay; Shilling short and credit broken, Captain Cuff, how's thatfor high? Bby mine and Little Barefoot, Why does moi her stay so lonit Naughty maul My dsrllng husband) Do not Sinn to me that aong: Little aweetheait com and kin me. For the old n'i drunk again, And won't go horn till morning I snail meet th two bid man. Now, my hsart 1 sad and lonely Whan the band begins to play, And I want to be an angel A waUingdowo Broadwsy; When the moon Is brightly beaming Iu th oottag by the sea, Obi there Is no hat tn kissing Th fellow that looks like me.

Bkve you heard my love wis coming, Bonnla Betale o'er the la? Brown eyes haa that little maiden, And maiden to see. What Is home without a mother When tho lummur rain la o'er? Captain Jlnka, how oan I leav th? Then come In and shut th doorl Once again the angels whisper, Put my littltabce away; What car Oh.Jojl oh. rant Orel KUa me quiok bweet Kthl Majl Oood by, im.theartl Kok ma. alsurt Dane m. papa, on your kne; Don't forget to writ me, darling, When I'd gone beyond the tea.

When tba puipl lllaos blossom; Wben tba mists have rolled away, We snail meet, beyond lbrlvr, Horace Greeley, making hay; Near tba banks of that lou river Woman's rights, no tocgnscan tll; WboaKmmal Thacold 8ay good by, yt noliarawalll Large shipments of Iron or are being mad from Shamrock dally. Farmers ar engaging heuq tot th tumaar it invreastd wsgut,.

Reading Times from Reading, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.