Dr. Koon-Hui Wang: Cover Crop Information (2024)



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Dr. Koon-Hui Wang: Cover Crop Information (3)

University of Hawaii web siteCollege of Trop Agr & Human Resources web siteUH at Manoa web site












1)Wang, K.-H., J. Bloese,J. Uyeda, J. Silva, H. Lutgen, K. Tavares, R. Manandhar. 2023-2028.Regenerating Soil Health through Shelterbelt Planting, Sheet Mulching and Tree Mulch Plant-Available Nitrogen Calculator. NRCS OnFarm Trial.NR233A750011G011

  • Shelter Belt Trees for Cacao Pollination

2) Wang, K.-H., J. Uyeda, J. Silva, D. Elliot, T. Radovich. 2022.Western Cover Crop Council Outreach Grant. U.S. USDA NIFA 2018-38640-28418 through Western SARE (WESP 19-01).

    3)Wang, K.-H., K. Lawrence, B. S. Sipes, E. Sikora, Z. Cheng, R. Myers, R. Manandhar, J. Uyeda, S. Marahatta. 2021-2024. Organic sweetpotato IPM and soil health management for small- and mid-size farms. NIFA OREI (HAW09705-G).

    4) Wang, K-H., J. Silva, and J. Uyeda. 2021-2023. Cover crop mix for orchard or trellis fruit and vegetable crops: Better soil health and weed management in Hawaii. NRCS CIG PIA (NR2192510002G002).

    • Akamai cover crop mix:long-term ground cover
    • Akamai cover crop for plant health and weed management
    • Akamai cover crop for soil health management

    5)Wang, K.-H., J. Silva, and J. Hawkins. 2019-2021. Finding new friends for sunn hemp to revitalizedegraded soil in the tropic. NRCS CIG PIA (NR1992510002G001).

    • Biofumigation with sorghum or brown mustard and other biological based products for nematodes and fungi management.
    • Regenerative Agriculture using Sorghum as a Cover Crop in a Low Till System
    • Subbing sunn hemp with sorghum in Fusarium soils. HānaiʻAi Newsletter December 2022
    • Revitalized degraded soil in the tropic with energy sorghum

    6) Waisen, P. and K.-H. Wang. 2017-2019. “Cover Crop 5-in 1 Approach” for nematode management using mustard and oil radish. WSARE $25,000.

    • Biofumigation pamphlet

    7)Wang, K.-H., Archana Pant, Jari Sugano, and Jensen Uyeda. 2015-2018. Improving water use efficiency through no-till cover cropping and solarization. NRCS CIG (Hawaii).

    8) Wang, K.-H., T. Radovich, A. Pant, N. Andrew, N. Hue, J. Sugano and J. Uyeda. 2014-2017. Promoting the use of cover crop calculator for the tropics as nitrogen management tool and the use of cover crops for soil health management guideline. NRCS CIG (National).

    • Cover Crop Chart for Hawaii
    • Cover Crop Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) calculator (~3.9 MB, pdf presentation)
    • Cover Crop Calculator (excel file, rev 3/11/2017)
    • Cover Crop Mix (pdf)
    • Cover crop calculator 2016 updates (~2 MB, pdf presentation)
    • Instructions to use cover crop calculator

    9) Wang, K.-H., A. Pant, T. Radovich, J. Sugano, C. Tamaru, B. Fox, J. Uyeda, S. Chiang, C. Chan-Halbrandt. 2013-2016. Center of Rural Agriculture Training for Entrepreneurship (CRATE) for the Pacific. NIFA AFRI AE&RC

    • Effects of Surface Mulch on Soil Health Conditions in Conservation-Tillage Systems (~4.7 MB)

    10) Wang, K.-H et al. 2013-2015. The influence of cover crops and tillage on soil quality, greenhouse gas emissions, pest community dynamics, and economics of fields transitioning to organic farming. NIFA ORG.

    • Contribution of no-till cover cropping to greenhouse gas remediation: Can nematodes tell the tale? (~2.8 MB)

    11) Wang, K.-H., L. Kaufman, B.S. Sipes, T. Radovich, and J. Sugano. 2010-2012. An innovative cover cropping system for organic cucurbit growers in Hawaii: From nematode and pickleworm management, improvement of pollinator habitat to soil conservation. NRCS CIG.

    • (~1.5 MB)

    12) Wang, K.-H., C.R.R. Hooks, B.S. Sipes, J. Sugano, and A. Arakaki. 2010-2012. Using conservation tillage and cover crop mixtures to enhance natural enemies of nematode pests. TSTAR.

    • Benenfits of Mix Cover Cropping on Soil Health (~2.8 MB)

    Selected Publications

    To access PDF files of my publications, please visit ResearchGate at http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Koon-Hui_Wang/publications

    • Wang,K.-H. P. Waisen, R. Paudel, G. Chen, S.L.F. Meyer and C.R.R. Hooks. 2022. Effectsof plasticulture and conservation tillage on nematode assemblage and theirrelationships with nitrous oxide emission following a winter cover cropping andvegetable production system. Horticulturae 8: 728. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae8080728.
    • Marquez,J., R. Paudel, B. S. Sipes, and Koon-Hui Wang. 2022. Successional effects ofno-till cover cropping with black oat (Avena olariza) vs. soilsolarization on soil health in a tropical Oxisol. Horticulturae 8: 527 (https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae8060527).
    • Wang,K.-H., P. Waisen, A. W. Leslie, R. Paudel, S.L.F. Meyer and C.R.R. Hooks. 2022.Relationships between soil tillage systems, nematode communities and weed seedpredation. Horticulturae 8: 425. https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae8050425.
    • Paudel,R., P. Waisen, and K.-H. Wang. 2021. Exploiting the innate potential ofsorghum/sorghum–sudangrass cover crops to improve soil microbial profile thatcan lead to suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes. MDPI-Microorganisms9:1831 https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms9091831
    • Manandhar, R., K.-H. Wang, C. R.R. Hooks, and M. Wright. 2017. Effects ofstrip-tilled cover cropping on the population density of thrips and predatoryinsects in a cucurbit agroecosystem. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 192_R1.
    • Kokalis-Burelle, N., R. McSorley, K.-H. Wang, S. Saha, R. McGovern. 2017. Rhizosphere microorganisms affected by soil solarization and cover cropping in Capsicum annuum and Phaseolus lunatus agroecosystems. Applied Soil Ecology 119: 64-71.
    • Leslie, A., K.-H. Wang, S. Meyer, C. R.R. 2017. Hooks. Influence of cover crops on arthropods, free-living nematodes, and yield in a succeeding no-till soybean crop. Applied Soil Ecology 117-118: 21-31.
    • Quintanilla-Tornel, M.A., K.-H. Wang, J. Tavares, C.R.R. Hooks. 2016. Effects of mulching on above and below ground pests and beneficials in a green onion agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems, & Environment 224: 75-85.
    • Hinds, J., K.-H. Wang, and C. R.R. Hooks. 2015. Growth and yield of zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) as influenced by a sunn hemp living mulch. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture. 13 pp. DOI: 10.1080/01448765.2015.1017736.
    • Wang, K.-H., T. Radovich, A. Pant, and Z. Cheng. 2014. Integration of cover crops and vermicompost tea for soil and plant health management in a short-term vegetable cropping system. Applied Soil Ecology 82: 26-37. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2014.05.003
    • Hinds, J., K.-H. Wang, S. P. Marahatta, S. L.F. Meyer, and C. R.R. Hooks. 2013. Investigating the influence of sunn hemp cover cropping and organic fertilizer on the nematode community in a zucchini cropping system.Journal of Nematology 45: 265-271.
    • Marahatta, S.P., K.-H. Wang, B.S. Sipes, and C.R.R. Hooks. 2012. Effects of Tagetes patula on active and inactive stages of root-knot nematodes. Journal of Nematology 44: 26-30.
    • Marahatta, S. P., K.-H. Wang, B.S. Sipes, and C.R.R. Hooks. 2012. Effects of the integration of sunn hemp and soil solarization on plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes. Journal of Nematology 44: 72-79.
    • Marahatta, S. P., K.-H. Wang, B.S. Sipes, and C.R.R. Hooks. 2012. Effects of Crotalaria juncea on anhydrobiotic state of Rotylenchulus reniformis. Nematropica 42: 34-40.
    • Hooks,C. R.R., K.-H. Wang, S.L.F. Meyer, M. Lekveishvili, J. Hinds, E. Zobel, A. Rosario-Lebron, and M. Lee-Bullock. 2011. Impact of no-till cover cropping of Italian ryegrass on above and below ground faunal communities inhabiting a soybean field with special emphasis on soybean cyst nematodes. Journal of Nematology 43: 166-175.
    • Wang, K.-H., C.R.R. Hooks, and S.P. Marahatta. 2011. Can using a strip-tilled living mulch system enhance organisms higher up in the soil food web hierarchy? Applied Soil Ecology 49:107-117(doi:10.1016/j.apsoil.2011.06.008).
    • Hooks, C.R.R., K.-H. Wang, A. Ploeg, R. McSorley. 2010. Using marigold (Tagetes spp.) as a cover crop to protect crops from plant-parasitic nematodes. Applied Soil Ecology 46: 307-320.
    • Wang, K.-H., B.S. Sipes, and C.R.R. Hooks. 2011. Sunn hemp cover cropping and solarization as alternatives to soil fumigants for pineapple production. Acta Hort (ISHS) 902: 221-232. http://www.actahort.org/books/902/902_22.htm
    • Marahatta, S. P., K.-H. Wang, B.S. Sipes, and C.R.R. Hooks. 2010. Strip-till cover cropping for managing nematodes, soil microarthropods and weeds in a bitter melon agroecosystem. Journal of Nematology 42: 111-119.
    • Wang, K.-H., R. McSorley, R. N.Gallaher, N. Kokalis-Burelle. 2008. Cover crops and organic mulches for nematode, weed, and plant health management. Nematology 10: 231-242.
    • Wang, K.-H., R. McSorley, N. Kokalis-Burelle. 2006. Effects of cover cropping, solarization, and soil fumigation on nematode communities. Plant and Soil 286: 229-243.
    • Wang, K.-H., R. McSorley, A. J. Marshall, and R. N. Gallaher. 2004. Nematode community changes following decomposition of Crotalaria juncea amendment in litterbags. Appl. Soil Ecology 27:31-45.
    • Wang, K.-H., R. McSorley, R. N. Gallaher. 2004. Effect of Crotalaria juncea amendment on squash infected with Meloidogyne incognita. J. Nematol. 36: 290-296.
    • Wang, K.-H., R. McSorley, R. N. Gallaher. 2004. Relationship of soil management history and nutrient status to nematode community structure. Nematropica 34: 83-95.
    • Wang, K.-H., R. McSorley, R. N. Gallaher. 2003. Effect of Crotalaria juncea amendment on nematode communities in soil with different agricultural histories. J. Nematol. 35: 294-301.
    • Wang, K.-H., B. S. Sipes, and D. P. Schmitt. 2003. Intercropping cover crops with pineapple for the management of Rotylenchulus reniformis and Meloidogyne javanica. J Nematol. 35: 30-47.
    • Wang, K.-H., B. S. Sipes, and D. P. Schmitt. 2002. Crotalaria juncea as a cover crop for nematode management: A review. Nematropica 32: 35-57.
    • Wang, K.-H., B. S. Sipes, and D. P. Schmitt. 2003. Suppression of Rotylenchulus reniformis enhanced by Crotalaria juncea amendment in pineapple field soil. Agri. Eco. Environ. 94: 197-203.
    • Wang, K.-H., B. S. Sipes, and D. P. Schmitt. 2002. Management of Rotylenchulus reniformis in pineapple, Ananas comosus, by intercycle cover crops. J. Nematol. 34: 106-114.
    • Wang, K.-H., B. S. Sipes, and D. P. Schmitt. 2001. Suppression of Rotylenchulus reniformis by Crotalaria juncea, Brassica napus, and Tagetes erecta. Nematropica 31(2): 235-249.


    • Wang, K.-H., R. Paudel, J. Mew, and J. Silva. 2023. Akamai Cover Crop Mix (White clover, buckwheat, black oat): Does it benefit soil health? HānaiʻAi 52: December, 2023.

    • Pitiki, M., B. Wiseman, L. Wong, B. Sipes, J. Silva, J. Uyeda, R. Mandhar and K.-H. Wang. 2023. Sustainable Pest and Soil Health Management for Sweet Potato Production. HānaiʻAi 51: September 2023. https://gms.ctahr.hawaii.edu/gs/handler/getmedia.ashx?moid=72226&dt=3&g=12

    • Wang, K.-H., and B. S. Sipes. 2023. Prescription for soil health by cover cropping in Hawaii: for annual cropping systems. HānaiʻAi 50: June 2023.https://gms.ctahr.hawaii.edu/gs/handler/getmedia.ashx?moid=72134&dt=3&g=1
    • Wang, K.-H., J. Mew and J. Silva. 2023. Akamai cover crop mix: How to establish? Partial cost analysis and its benefits. HānaiʻAi 49: March 2023. https://gms.ctahr.hawaii.edu/gs/handler/getmedia.ashx?moid=72076&dt=3&g=12
    • Paudel, R., L. Braley, Joshua Silva and K.-H. Wang. 2022. Subbing sunn hemp with sorghum in Fusarium soils. HānaiʻAi 48: Newsletter December 2022. 8 pp. https://gms.ctahr.hawaii.edu/gs/handler/getmedia.ashx?moid=71763&dt=3&g=12

    • Catherman, H., K.-H. Wang, R. Paudel, S. Budhathoki, and C. Mogren. 2021. Pigeon pea: A multipurpose N-fixing border crop. https://myemail.constantcontact.com/The-Latest-H-nai-Ai-News---April---May---June-2021-Volume-42.html?soid=1102675671876&aid=F9Y1OK_qJKk

    • Paudel, R., S. Budhathoki, and K.-H. Wang. 2021. Revitalized degraded soil in the tropic with energy sorghum. HānaiʻAi 42. https://myemail.constantcontact.com/The-Latest-H-nai-Ai-News---April---May---June-2021-Volume-42.html?soid=1102675671876&aid=F9Y1OK_qJKk.

    • Waisen, P., R. Paudel, and K.-H. Wang. 2020. An Update on Biofumigation Research in Hawaii: The equipment matters! HānaiʻAi Newsletter March-May, 2020.
    • Waisen, P. and Wang, K.-H. 2019. What plastic mulch can help biofumigation to better manage nematodes? HānaiʻAi Newsletter September 2019.
    • Waisen, P. and Wang, K.-H. 2018. Trap cropping and biofumigation for plant-parasitic nematode management. HānaiʻAi NewsletterMarch, April, May 2018.
    • Ching, S., K.-H. Wang, and J. Uyeda. 2017. Drop Spreader Calibration using the 10/160th Method. HānaiʻAi Newsletter March-April-May 2017.
    • Marquez, J., K. Matsuda, and K.-H. Wang. 2016. Improving Conservation Tillage with Conservation Agriculture Practices. Hānai‘Ai Newsletter June/July/Aug 2016.
    • Wang, K.H., I.A. Zasada, and B.S. Sipes. The Secret of the Allelopathic Effect of Sunn Hemp for Suppressing Plant-parasitic Nematodes. Hānai‘Ai Newsletter June-July-August 2012.
    • Wang, K.H. Cover crops as insectary plants to enhance above and below ground beneficial organisms. Hānai‘Ai Newsletter March-April-May 2012.
    • Wang, K.-H., B.S. Sipes, C.R.R. Hooks, and J. Leary. Improving the status of sunn hemp as a cover crop for soil health and pests management. Hānai‘Ai Newsletter Summer 2011. http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/sustainag/news/articles/V8-Wang-sunnhemp.pdf
    • Wang, K.-H., B.S. Sipes, and C.R.R. Hooks. Environmental friendly approaches for managing nematodes and weeds on pineapple. Pineapple News 17: 27-32. May 2010.
    • Wang, K.-H. Improving marigold cover cropping for nematode management. HānaiʻAi Newsletter Summer 2010. https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/sustainag/news/articles/V4-Wang-marigold.pdf
    • Wang, K.-H. Soil solarization and cover cropping as alternatives to soil fumigation for pineapple growers in Hawaii. HānaiʻAi Newsletter Spring 2010. http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu /sustainag/news/articles/V3-Wang-SHPineapple.pdf
    • Wang, K.-H. and C.R.R. Hooks. Strip-till cover cropping and row switching techniques. HānaiʻAi Newsletter Winter 2009.
    • Wang, K.-H. and S. P. Marahatta. Improving sunn hemp benefits by integrating with solarization. HānaiʻAi Newsletter Fall 2009.

    Extension Publications at CTAHR

    • Pant, A., T.J.K. Radovich, K.-H. Wang, N.V. Hue, M. Fergerstrom, R. Hamasaki, M. Wung, and C. Robb. 2015. Performance and plant-available nitrogen contribution of cover crops in high elevations in Hawai‘i. CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service SA-15. 8 pp. http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/SA-15.pdf
    • Wang. K.-H. and B.S. Sipes. 2009. Solarization and Cover Cropping as Alternatives to Soil Fumigants for Nematode Management in Hawai‘i’s Pineapple Fields. CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service SCM-29. 4 pp. http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/SCM-29.pdf
    • Hooks, C.R.R., K. Chandara, D.Fallon, K.-H. Wang, R. Manandhar. 2007. The impact of sunn hemp cover cropping on belowground organisms and nutrient status associated with a cucumber planting. Cooperative Extension Service SCM-21. http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/SCM-21.pdf
    • Wang, K-H., C. R.R. Hooks, and Antoon Ploeg. 2007. Protecting crops from nematode pests: using marigold as an alternative to chemical nematicides. Cooperative Extension Service, CTAHR, PD-35. http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/PD-35.pdf
    • Hooks, C.R.R., A. Fereres, and K.-H. Wang. 2007. Using protector plants to guard crops from aphid caused non-persistent viruses. Cooperative Extension Service, CTAHR SCM-18. http://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/SCM-18.pdf


    • Wang, K.-H. and C.R.R. Hooks. 2008. Sunn hemp as a superhero: Sunn hemp for nematode and soil health management. Western region SARE, University of Hawaii, CTAHR, Honolulu, HI.https://youtu.be/AG_CYsVmqN4
    • Sugano, J. 2017. Cover Crop Calculator Field day. University of Hawaii, CTAHR, Honolulu, HI.https://youtu.be/ES8zn_c9Bzw


    • Using Cover Crops/Insectary Plants to Enhance Above and Below Ground Beneficial Organisms (~ 18 MB)
    • Cover Crop Lectures (Part I, Part II, Part III)


    • Wang, K.-H. and A. Pant. 2015. Cover Crop Chart for Hawaii.

    Procedure for sunn hemp strip till cover cropping.

    If you require information in an Alternative format, please contact us at: koonhui@hawaii.edu

    Dr. Koon-Hui Wang: Cover Crop Information (2024)
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    Name: Velia Krajcik

    Birthday: 1996-07-27

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    Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.