Required Plugins
The following plugins are required in order to use this plugin.
Place the following plugins above this plugin located in the Plugin Manager.
- Battle Core VisuStella MZ
VisuStella MZ
This plugin is a part of the VisuStella MZ Plugin Library.
Click here if you want to help support VisuStella on Patreon.
This Battle A.I. plugin changes up how enemies and any Auto Battle actorsbehave by implementing many new key components to their decision makingprocess in battle. These new compotents are: A.I. Styles, A.I. Levels,Rating Variance, A.I. Conditions, and Influencing TGR Weight.
With these new key components put together, you can transform RPG Maker MZ'shighly primitive A.I. into something more intelligent. Auto Battle actorscan also base their A.I. patterns off an enemy's A.I. in order to behave inmore desirable ways during battle as well.
Features include all (but not limited to) the following:
- Different A.I. Styles to allow for various ways to setup enemy A.I.
- Set A.I. Levels for enemies and Auto Battle actors.
- A.I. Levels can be set on a global scale or individual scale.
- Set rating variance levels to prioritize actions or randomize them.
- These include notetags to change them on a per individual basis.
- Create action conditions to make certain skills usable by the A.I. under specific circumstances.
- Action conditions are split between 'ALL' and 'ANY' types which require either all conditions to be met or at least one condition to be met.
- A large selection of condition notetags to use to help customize the best case situations on when to use a skill and which target to pick.
- Default condition settings can be made in the Plugin Parameters to make an entire database of skills become conditional for A.I. usage.
- Influence TGR weight to make certain targets more desirable for specific types of actions.
This plugin is made for RPG Maker MZ. This will not work in other iterationsof RPG Maker.
Required Plugin List
- Battle Core VisuStella MZ
This plugin requires the above listed plugins to be installed inside yourgame's Plugin Manager list in order to work. You cannot start your game withthis plugin enabled without the listed plugins.
- Tier 3
This plugin is a Tier 3 plugin. Place it under other plugins of lower tier value on your Plugin Manager list (ie: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
This is to ensure that your plugins will have the best compatibility with the rest of the VisuStella MZ Plugin library.
Major Changes
This plugin adds some new hard-coded features to RPG Maker MZ's functions.The following is a list of them.
Auto Battle A.I. for Actors
With this plugin, there is an option to let certain classes referencespecific enemy A.I. patterns to decide which skills to use during battle.If the reference option is not used, the actor will use default Auto Battleevaluations to determine which skills to use instead.
A.I. Styles
There are currently four different A.I. Styles. Actors and enemies candefault to a different one globally, or changed individually using notetags.Read more about them in the A.I. Styles section.
A.I. Levels
Enemies and actors can be given different A.I. Levels. The higher one'sA.I. Level, the more they are to follow conditions. With Level 100 A.I.Level, an A.I. will never disobey a condition. On the other hand, lowerA.I. Levels may possibly ignore certain conditions and act as if they arefulfilled.
A.I. Rating Variance
In the RPG Maker database editor, when deciding an enemy's Action Patternsyou can decide on the action's "rating". The rating is a value from 1 to 9where 9 gets the highest priority and 1 gets the lowest. RPG Maker, bydefault, will sometimes dip the rating a few levels lower to allow lowerratings and bypass the priority system.
This plugin allows you to set the variance level through Plugin Parameterson a global scale or notetags on an individual basis to allow for larger,smaller, or no variance on ratings at all.
A.I. Conditions for Skill Usage
Enemies and any actors that use Auto Battle A.I. with a reference can onlyuse certain skills as long as specific conditions have been met. Theseconditions are split between 'ALL' condition sets and 'ANY' condition sets.
'ALL' condition sets require all of the set's conditions to be met inorder for the skill to be used by the A.I.
'ANY' condition sets require at least one of the set's conditions to bemet in order for the skill to be used by the A.I.
A variety of conditions can be inserted into each condition set to makefor some very specific usage conditions. These will also help filter outwhich targets to pick from, too.
TGR Weight on A.I. Target Selection
TGR is a special parameter in RPG Maker MZ that represents "Target Rate".The higher one's TGR, the more likely they are to become the target of anattack. This plugin allows various things to influence the TGR weight tomake certain targets more likely to be targets for attack.
Elemental influence rates on the TGR weight mean that if a target receivesmore damage from an elemental attack, the TGR weight becomes higher for thatskill when determining a target. The higher the elemental damage received,the more the TGR weight shifts upward.
Evasion and Magic Evasion rates do the opposite. The higher a potentialtarget's evasion and magic evasion rate is (for physical and magical skills)the lower the TGR weight becomes for that potential target.
By default Plugin Parameter settings, TGR weight shifting requires theenemy troop to have "knowledge" on the party's element rates, evasion, andmagic evasion properties. Enemy troops would have to hit actors with elementbased attacks to learn the actor's resistance levels, physical attacks tolearn the actor's evasion, and magical attacks to learn the actor's magicevasion levels.
Specific A.I. Targeting Notetags
Specific A.I. targeting means the user will ignore any TGR influences whenit comes to pick out of a group of valid candidates to come down to onetarget. This only affects skills where the user must select a specifictarget, meaning it will ignore the effects of random and AoE scopes.
<AI Target: type>- Used for: Skill Notetags- Bypasses TGR influence in favor of picking a specific target out of a group of valid targets (does not pick from outside the valid target group) for a skill target.- Replace 'type' with any of the following: ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Type Description ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- User Always picks the user if available First Always picks the first valid candidate Last Always picks the last valid candidate ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Highest Level Picks candidate with highest level ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Highest MaxHP Picks candidate with highest MaxHP Highest HP Picks candidate with highest current HP Highest HP% Picks candidate with highest HP ratio ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Highest MaxMP Picks candidate with highest MaxMP Highest MP Picks candidate with highest current MP Highest MP% Picks candidate with highest MP ratio ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Highest MaxTP Picks candidate with highest MaxTP Highest TP Picks candidate with highest current TP Highest TP% Picks candidate with highest TP ratio ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Highest ATK Picks candidate with highest ATK parameter Highest DEF Picks candidate with highest DEF parameter Highest MAT Picks candidate with highest MAT parameter Highest MDF Picks candidate with highest MDF parameter Highest AGI Picks candidate with highest AGI parameter Highest LUK Picks candidate with highest LUK parameter ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Highest HIT Picks candidate with highest HIT parameter Highest EVA Picks candidate with highest EVA parameter Highest CRI Picks candidate with highest CRI parameter Highest CEV Picks candidate with highest CEV parameter Highest MEV Picks candidate with highest MEV parameter Highest MRF Picks candidate with highest MRF parameter Highest CNT Picks candidate with highest CNT parameter Highest HRG Picks candidate with highest HRG parameter Highest MRG Picks candidate with highest MRG parameter Highest TRG Picks candidate with highest TRG parameter ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Highest TGR Picks candidate with highest TGR parameter Highest GRD Picks candidate with highest GRD parameter Highest REC Picks candidate with highest REC parameter Highest PHA Picks candidate with highest PHA parameter Highest MCR Picks candidate with highest MCR parameter Highest TCR Picks candidate with highest TCR parameter Highest PDR Picks candidate with highest PDR parameter Highest MDR Picks candidate with highest MDR parameter Highest FDR Picks candidate with highest FDR parameter Highest EXR Picks candidate with highest EXR parameter ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Highest State Count Picks candidate with most states (any) Highest Positive State Count Picks candidate with most positive states Highest Negative State Count Picks candidate with most negative states *Note: These require VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Lowest Level Picks candidate with lowest level ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Lowest MaxHP Picks candidate with lowest MaxHP Lowest HP Picks candidate with lowest current HP Lowest HP% Picks candidate with lowest HP ratio ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Lowest MaxMP Picks candidate with lowest MaxMP Lowest MP Picks candidate with lowest current MP Lowest MP% Picks candidate with lowest MP ratio ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Lowest MaxTP Picks candidate with lowest MaxTP Lowest TP Picks candidate with lowest current TP Lowest TP% Picks candidate with lowest TP ratio ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Lowest ATK Picks candidate with lowest ATK parameter Lowest DEF Picks candidate with lowest DEF parameter Lowest MAT Picks candidate with lowest MAT parameter Lowest MDF Picks candidate with lowest MDF parameter Lowest AGI Picks candidate with lowest AGI parameter Lowest LUK Picks candidate with lowest LUK parameter ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Lowest HIT Picks candidate with lowest HIT parameter Lowest EVA Picks candidate with lowest EVA parameter Lowest CRI Picks candidate with lowest CRI parameter Lowest CEV Picks candidate with lowest CEV parameter Lowest MEV Picks candidate with lowest MEV parameter Lowest MRF Picks candidate with lowest MRF parameter Lowest CNT Picks candidate with lowest CNT parameter Lowest HRG Picks candidate with lowest HRG parameter Lowest MRG Picks candidate with lowest MRG parameter Lowest TRG Picks candidate with lowest TRG parameter ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Lowest TGR Picks candidate with lowest TGR parameter Lowest GRD Picks candidate with lowest GRD parameter Lowest REC Picks candidate with lowest REC parameter Lowest PHA Picks candidate with lowest PHA parameter Lowest MCR Picks candidate with lowest MCR parameter Lowest TCR Picks candidate with lowest TCR parameter Lowest PDR Picks candidate with lowest PDR parameter Lowest MDR Picks candidate with lowest MDR parameter Lowest FDR Picks candidate with lowest FDR parameter Lowest EXR Picks candidate with lowest EXR parameter ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Lowest State Count Picks candidate with least states (any) Lowest Positive State Count Picks candidate with least positive states Lowest Negative State Count Picks candidate with least negative states *Note: These require VisuMZ_1_SkillsStatesCore ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------
A.I. Styles
There are currently four different A.I. Styles. These determine how theA.I. acts and behaves. You can change the A.I. Style used globally throughthe Plugin Parameters or individually for classes and enemies through theusage of notetags.
Read below to understand each style and its rules:
Classic Style
"Classic" style is the traditional and default RPG Maker MZ A.I. style.It puts emphasis on the Rating system, where skills with higher ratings aregiven more priority than skills with lower ratings within variance.
- Action Pattern conditions must be met.
- Skill must be usable (able to pay its cost and it isn't disabled).
- Skill A.I. conditions must be met.
- Priority is given towards actions with higher Ratings.
- Rating variance will be determined by Plugin Parameters and/or notetags.
- A.I. Level can affect whether or not A.I. Conditions would be ignored.
- After applying Ratings, Rating Variances, and A.I. Conditions, if there are still multiple actions to choose from, pick from the remaining actions randomly.
- If no actions are valid, then do nothing.
Gambit Style
"Gambit" style is the style from Yanfly Engine Plugin's Battle A.I. Core.It goes down the list of skills with top-down priority as long as they meetthe Action Pattern conditions and A.I. conditions. Ratings will be ignored.
- Priority starts from top of skill list and goes to bottom of skill list.
- Action Pattern conditions must be met.
- Skill must be usable (able to pay its cost and it isn't disabled).
- Skill A.I. conditions must be met.
- Priority is given towards actions located higher on the list.
- Actions towards the bottom of the list will have lower priority.
- Ratings and Rating Variance has no bearing on whether or not an action will be picked.
- A.I. Level can affect whether or not A.I. Conditions would be ignored.
- If no actions are valid, then do nothing.
Casual Style
"Casual" style takes a lighter approach to A.I. It ignores the Ratingssystem and doesn't care about the order of actions either. Instead, theonly thing this A.I. Style cares about are the A.I. Conditions. All validactions after that are randomly picked from.
- Action Pattern conditions must be met.
- Skill must be usable (able to pay its cost and it isn't disabled).
- Skill A.I. conditions must be met.
- There is no priority system for Ratings or Order.
- A.I. Level does not matter here.
- A random action will be selected from a group of remaining valid actions.
- If no actions are valid, then do nothing.
Random Style
- "Random" style simply does not care about ratings or order. It only caresif the skill's can be used (can pay for the cost) and Action Patternconditions. It does not care about A.I. Conditions, Ratings, or Order.
- Action Pattern conditions must be met.
- Skill must be usable (able to pay its cost and it isn't disabled).
- Skill A.I. conditions are ignored.
- There is no priority system for Ratings or Order.
- A.I. Level does not matter here.
- A random action will be selected from a group of remaining valid actions.
- If no actions are valid, then do nothing.
RPG Maker MZ's editor is unable to allow for custom traits/properties that a game dev may wish to associate with a database object, event, map, etc. Notetags are used to work around such limitations by allowing the game dev to tag certain traits/properties using specific Notetags declared by the related plugin.
Here is a list of Notetag(s) that you may use.
The following are notetags that have been added through this plugin. Thesenotetags will not work with your game if this plugin is OFF or not present.
General A.I. Settings Notetags
These notetags set the general A.I. related settings for enemies and anyactors that use A.I. (requires Auto Battle and has a reference A.I.).
<AI Style: x>- Used for: Class, Enemy Notetags- Replace 'x' with 'Classic', 'Gambit', 'Casual', or 'Random' without the quotes. Example: <AI Style: Gambit>- Determines the A.I. style used. Refer to the A.I. Styles section on the various types of styles.- For actors, place this inside the associated class's notebox instead.- For actors, this does not apply if there is no referenced enemy A.I. list.- Setup the reference enemy through either the Plugin Parameters or by using the <Reference AI: Enemy id> notetag found below.
<AI Level: x>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Designates the unit's A.I. level if A.I. is to be used.- Replace 'x' with a number from 0 to 100.- Units with higher A.I. Levels will be more strict about conditions.- Units with lower A.I. Levels will be more lax about conditions.
<AI Rating Variance: x>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Sets the variance amount when determining A.I. actions by rating.- Replace 'x' with a number between 0 and 9.- 0 for no variance.- Lower numbers for less variance.- Higher numbers for more variance.
<Reference AI: Enemy id><Reference AI: name>- Used for: Class Notetags- Causes any actor using this class that has the Auto Battle trait to use a specific enemy's attack pattern (ratings, conditions, etc.) to determine which skill to use in battle.- Replace 'id' with a number representing the enemy's ID to reference.- Replace 'name' with the name the enemy to reference.- Actors are only able to use skills they would normally have access to. - Actors need to have LEARNED the skill. - Actors need to be able to access the skill's SKILL TYPE. - Actors need to have the RESOURCES to pay for the skill.- If you cannot figure out why an auto battle actor cannot use a specific skill, turn OFF auto battle and see if you can use the skill normally.
<No Reference AI>- Used for: Class Notetags- Prevents the class from using any enemies as their reference A.I. pattern (including the one set in the Plugin Parameters).
Skill A.I. Condition Notetags
Insert these notetags into the noteboxes of skills that you'd like to givecustom A.I. conditions for. The 'All' version of the notetags require everycondition to be met while the 'Any' version of the notetags require only oneof the conditions to be met.
If both are used together, then the 'All' conditions must be completelyfulfilled while the 'Any' conditions need only one to be fulfilled.
<All AI Conditions> condition condition condition</All AI Conditions>- Used for: Skill- Add/remove as many conditions as needed for the skill.- All conditions must be met in order for this to become a valid skill for the AI to use.- This can be used together with <Any AI Conditions>. If either of these notetags exist, do not use the Plugin Parameter defaul conditions.- This will not inherit default 'All' conditions in the Plugin Parameters.- Replace 'condition' with any of the following Condition List below.
<Any AI Conditions> condition condition condition</Any AI Conditions>- Used for: Skill- Add/remove as many conditions as needed for the skill.- As long as one condition is met, this becomes a valid skill for the AI to use. If none of them are met, this skill becomes invalid for AI use.- This can be used together with <All AI Conditions>. If either of these notetags exist, do not use the Plugin Parameter defaul conditions.- This will not inherit default 'Any' conditions in the Plugin Parameters.- Replace 'condition' with any of the following Condition List below.
<No AI Conditions>- Used for: Skill- Removes any default 'All' and 'Any' conditions for this skill.
Condition List
Replace 'condition' in the notetags in the above section with any of thefollowing to make conditions. These conditions are also used in the PluginParameters for the default conditions, too.
x >= yx > yx === yx!== yx < yx <= y- Replace 'x' and 'y' with any of the following:- A numeric value representing a hard number.- '50%' or any other percentile number to represent a rate.- '0.5' or any other float number to represent a rate.- 'Variable x' (replace 'x' with a number) for variable x's current value.- 'HP%', 'MP%', 'TP%' for HP, MP, and TP rates respectively.- 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'MaxTP' for the potential target's respective values.- 'Level' for the potential target's level. Requires VisuMZ_0_CoreEngine for this to affect enemies.- 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK' for the potential target's total parameter value.- 'param Buff Stacks' for the potential target's current Buff stacks. - Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'- 'param Debuff Stacks' for the potential target's current Debuff stacks. - Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'- 'param Buff Turns' for potential target's current buff turn duration. - Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK' - Returns 0 if the potential target is not affected by that buff.- 'param Debuff Turns' for potential target's current debuff turn duration. - Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK' - Returns 0 if the potential target is not affected by that debuff.- 'State id Turns' or 'State name Turns' for potential target's current turn duration on that particular state. - Replace 'id' with a number representing the ID of the state. - Replace 'name' with the state's name. - Returns 0 if the potential target is not affected by that state. - Returns the max safe number value if the potential target is has that state as a passive state.- 'Element id Rate', 'Element name Rate', 'name Element Rate' - Returns a (float) value of the potential target's element's rate. - Replace 'id' with the ID of the element whose rate is to be checked. - Replace 'name' with the name of the element whose rate is to be checked. - Ignore any text codes in the element name.- 'Team Alive Members' - Returns a number value indicating how many alive members there are on the potential target's team.- 'Team Dead Members' - Returns a number value indicating how many dead members there are on the potential target's team.- When no keyword matches are found, the comparison value will be interpreted as JavaScript code. If the JavaScript code fails, it will default to a 0 value. *NOTE* JavaScript cannot be used without comparison operators to reduce error. This means if you want to check if a switch is on or not, don't simply use "$gameSwitches.value(42)" as it does not have any comparison operators. Instead, use "$gameSwitches.value(42) === true" to check. *NOTE* To make any of these conditions base off of the user instead, add the word 'user' before the condition as such: user hp% >= 0.50 user atk buff stacks === 2 user team alive members < 3
Always- Going to be valid no matter what.
x% Chance- Replace 'x' with a number value representing the percent chance this skill would pass as valid.
Switch x OnSwitch x Off- Replace 'x' with the ID of the switch to check as ON/OFF.
User is ActorUser is EnemyTarget is ActorTarget is Enemy- Requires the user or potential target to be an actor/enemy.
User Has State idUser Has State nameTarget Has State idTarget Has State name- Replace 'id' with the ID of the state the user or potential target needs to have.- Replace 'name' with the name of the state the target needs to have.
User Not State idUser Not State nameTarget Not State idTarget Not State name- Replace 'id' with the ID of the state the user or potential target cannot have.- Replace 'name' with the name of the state the target cannot have.
User Has param BuffUser Has param DebuffTarget Has param BuffTarget Has param Debuff- Requires user or potential target to have the associated parameter buff/debuff at any stack level.- Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'
User Has param Max BuffUser Has param Max DebuffTarget Has param Max BuffTarget Has param Max Debuff- Requires potential user or target to have the associated parameter buff/debuff at maxed out stacks.- Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'
User Not param BuffUser Not param DebuffTarget Not param BuffTarget Not param Debuff- Requires user or potential target to not have the associated parameter buff/debuff at any stack level.- Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'
User Not param Max BuffUser Not param Max DebuffTarget Not param Max BuffTarget Not param Max Debuff- Requires user or potential target to not have the associated parameter buff/debuff at maxed out stacks.- Replace 'param' with 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', 'LUK'
A.I. => TGR Weight Notetags
You can set how much influence on TGR weights actors and enemies will placewhen determining valid targets for their actions.
<AI Element Rate Influence: x.x>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the element rate.- Replace 'x.x' with a numberic value representing the influence rate.
<Bypass AI Element Rate Influence>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in element rates when calculating TGR weights to determine action targets.
<AI EVA Influence: x.x>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the EVA rate.- Replace 'x.x' with a numberic value representing the influence rate.
<Bypass AI EVA Influence>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in EVA rates when calculating TGR weights to determine action targets.
<AI MEV Influence: x.x>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the MEV rate.- Replace 'x.x' with a numberic value representing the influence rate.
<Bypass AI MEV Influence>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in MEV rates when calculating TGR weights to determine action targets.
<AI PDR Influence: x.x>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the PDR rate.- Replace 'x.x' with a numberic value representing the influence rate.
<Bypass AI PDR Influence>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in PDR rates when calculating TGR weights to determine action targets.
<AI MDR Influence: x.x>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the MDR rate.- Replace 'x.x' with a numberic value representing the influence rate.
<Bypass AI MDR Influence>- Used for: Actor, Enemy Notetags- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in MDR rates when calculating TGR weights to determine action targets.
Regarding $gameTroop.turnCount() for A.I. Conditions
Short Answer:
Battle A.I. conditions do NOT support the conditions $gameTroop.turnCount()or user.turnCount() or target.turnCount() for A.I. Conditions.
Instead, use RPG Maker MZ's built-in action editor's turn requirement tomake do with the same effect.
Long Answer:
The turnCount() functions are not valid for A.I. Conditions and disabled dueto all the problems they cause. The reason being is because actions aredetermined before the turn count increases. This is how RPG Maker MZ handlesit by default.
The reason why this does not work is due to the following code found inRPG Maker MZ's core scripts:
Game_Battler.prototype.turnCount = function() { if (BattleManager.isTpb()) { return this._tpbTurnCount; } else { return $gameTroop.turnCount() + 1; } };
What that means the turn count will always be off by 1. So upon determiningthe action initially, the match would come off as correct. However, as theturn actually starts and reaches the enemy or actor's turn, the turn countcheck would read differently and return incorrect information, causing thebattler to forfeit their actions.
This facet of RPG Maker MZ can be updated and changed, but it is better thatit doesn't in order to maintain compatibility with the rest of the pluginsavailable that utilize the turn counter.
The work around to this problem is, instead, to use the enemy database tab'saction editor and apply a Turn Condition to match the required turn instead.You know, the thing with Skill and Rating, where you select which skill forthe enemy to use instead.
If you are willing to use an "Experimental" feature, aka one that is notheavily tested and may potentially result in unintended side effects, go to:
Plugin Parameters > A.I. General Settings > Experimental > On-The-Spot A.I.
And set that to "true" without the quotes. This will forcefully remove the+1 towards the count and forcefully make enemies re-evaluate actions uponthe start of the string of their actions. This comes with some side effectsthat will potentially give A.I. advantages or disadvantages depending on thebattle system type. Action Speed becomes something that can be abused as itis normally something that is determined based on the queued actions. A.I.can pick a high speed weak action and then switch it for a slow speed strongaction. There is no proper fix to this due to how on-the-spot A.I. works asit is ill-fitted for speed-relative battle systems. You have been warned.
In the event that this Plugin Parameter IS enabled, then using the turnCountJavaScript code should work again due to the normalization of how the turnproperty is calculated.
Plugin Parameters
A.I. General Settings
These settings determine the global settings for general Battle A.I. usage.
A.I. Style
Actor Style: - Which A.I. style do you want for referenced actors to use? - This does not apply to non-referenced actors.
Enemy Style: - Which A.I. style do you want for enemies to use?
Refer to the A.I. Styles list for a list of valid styles.
A.I. Level
Actor A.I. Level: - Default A.I. level used for actor A.I. - Levels: 0-100. Higher is stricter.
Enemy A.I. Level: - Default A.I. level used for enemy A.I. - Levels: 0-100. Higher is stricter.
A.I. Ratings
Actor Rating Variance: - How much to allow variance from the A.I. rating by? - 0 for no variance. Higher numbers for more variance.
Enemy Rating Variance: - How much to allow variance from the A.I. rating by? - 0 for no variance. Higher numbers for more variance.
Actor => AI Reference: - Which enemy A.I. should the actor reference by default? - Use 0 for no references.
Learn Knowledge: - Requires enemies/actors to test the knowledge of the opponents before using specific conditions.
Unknown Element Rate: - What should A.I. treat unknown element rates as?
On-The-Spot A.I.: - A.I. enemies/actors determine actions on the spot when it's their turn.
A.I. Default Conditions
You can set certain conditions to be used as defaults for all skills thatlack the <All AI Conditions> and <Any AI Conditions>. If either of thosenotetags exist, none of these defaults will be used for those skills. Thesesettings will allow you to set both 'All' and 'Any' conditions for defaults.
All Conditions: - Create default 'ALL' conditions for all skills without any AI notetags?
Any Conditions: - Create default 'ANY' conditions for all skills without any AI notetags?
HP Damage
MP Damage
HP Recover
MP Recover
HP Drain
MP Drain
All Conditions: - Default 'ALL' conditions used for related skills.
Any Conditions: - Default 'ANY' conditions used for related skills.
Add State
Remove State
All Conditions: - Default 'ALL' conditions used for related skills. - %1 - Dynamic values (ie state ID's).
Any Conditions: - Default 'ANY' conditions used for related skills. - %1 - Dynamic values (ie state ID's).
Add Buff
Remove Buff
Add Debuff
Remove Debuff
All Conditions: - Default 'ANY' conditions used for related skills. - %1 - Dynamic values (ie param's).
Any Conditions: - Default 'ALL' conditions used for related skills. - %1 - Dynamic values (ie state ID's).
A.I. => TGR Weight Settings
These Plugin Parameters allow you to set whether or not you'd like forweight influence when deciding targets for actions and how much to influencethe TGR weight by.
Element Rate => TGR: - Makes all A.I. consider elemental rates when considering TGR weight by default?
Influence Rate: - This determines the default level of influence elemental rates have on TGR weight.
EVA Rate => TGR: - Makes all A.I. consider EVA rates when considering TGR weight by default?
Influence Rate: - This determines the default level of influence EVA rates have on TGR weight.
MEV Rate => TGR: - Makes all A.I. consider MEV rates when considering TGR weight by default?
Influence Rate: - This determines the default level of influence MEV rates have on TGR weight.
PDR Rate => TGR: - Makes all A.I. consider PDR rates when considering TGR weight by default?
Influence Rate: - This determines the default level of influence PDR rates have on TGR weight.
MDR Rate => TGR: - Makes all A.I. consider MDR rates when considering TGR weight by default?
Influence Rate: - This determines the default level of influence MDR rates have on TGR weight.
Terms of Use
1. These plugins may be used in free or commercial games provided that theyhave been acquired through legitimate means at and/or anyother official approved VisuStella sources. Exceptions and specialcircumstances that may prohibit usage will be listed on
2. All of the listed coders found in the Credits section of this plugin mustbe given credit in your games or credited as a collective under the name:"VisuStella".
3. You may edit the source code to suit your needs, so long as you do notclaim the source code belongs to you. VisuStella also does not takeresponsibility for the plugin if any changes have been made to the plugin'scode, nor does VisuStella take responsibility for user-provided custom codeused for custom control effects including advanced JavaScript notetagsand/or plugin parameters that allow custom JavaScript code.
4. You may NOT redistribute these plugins nor take code from this plugin touse as your own. These plugins and their code are only to be downloaded and other official/approved VisuStella sources. A list ofofficial/approved sources can also be found on
5. VisuStella is not responsible for problems found in your game due tounintended usage, incompatibility problems with plugins outside of theVisuStella MZ library, plugin versions that aren't up to date, norresponsible for the proper working of compatibility patches made by anythird parties. VisuStella is not responsible for errors caused by anyuser-provided custom code used for custom control effects including advancedJavaScript notetags and/or plugin parameters that allow JavaScript code.
6. If a compatibility patch needs to be made through a third party that isunaffiliated with VisuStella that involves using code from the VisuStella MZlibrary, contact must be made with a member from VisuStella and have itapproved. The patch would be placed on as a free downloadto the public. Such patches cannot be sold for monetary gain, includingcommissions, crowdfunding, and/or donations.
7. If this VisuStella MZ plugin is a paid product, all project team membersmust purchase their own individual copies of the paid product if they are touse it. Usage includes working on related game mechanics, managing relatedcode, and/or using related Plugin Commands and features. Redistribution ofthe plugin and/or its code to other members of the team is NOT allowedunless they own the plugin itself as that conflicts with Article 4.
8. Any extensions and/or addendums made to this plugin's Terms of Use can befound on and must be followed.
Terms of Use: Japanese
『VisuStella MZ』利用規約
1. これらのプラグインは、VisuStella.comおよび/または公式に承認されたVisuStellaのソースから合法的な手段で入手したものである限り、フリーゲームや商用ゲームに使用することができます。例外的に使用が禁止される場合については、VisuStella.comの記載をご確認ください。
2. 本プラグインの「クレジット」部分に記載されているすべてのコーダーの名前は、ゲーム内にクレジット表記を行うか、もしくは「VisuStella」という名前の下にまとめて表記する必要があります。
3. ソースコードを自分のものだと主張しない限りは、必要に応じて編集することが可能です。ただしプラグインのコードに変更が加えられた場合、VisuStellaはそのプラグインに対して一切の責任を負いません。高度なJavaScriptのノートタグやJavaScriptコードを許可するプラグインのパラメータを含む、カスタムコントロールエフェクトに使用される、ユーザー提供のカスタムコードについても、VisuStellaは一切の責任を負いません。
4. これらのプラグインやプラグイン内のコードを、「自分のもの」として再配布したり使用したりすることはできません。これらのプラグインとそのコードは、VisuStella.comおよび、その他の公式/承認済みVisuStellaソースからのみダウンロードすることができます。公式/承認済みのソースのリストは、VisuStella.comでご確認いただけます。
5. VisuStellaは、意図しない使用方法による問題、VisuStella MZライブラリ以外のプラグインとの非互換性の問題、プラグインのバージョンが最新でないことによる問題、第三者による互換性パッチが適切に動作していないことなどが原因でゲーム内で発生した問題については、一切の責任を負いません。VisuStellaは、高度なJavaScriptのノートタグやJavaScriptコードを許可するプラグインのパラメータを含む、カスタムコントロールエフェクトに使用される、ユーザー提供のカスタムコードに起因するエラーについても、一切の責任を負いません。
6. VisuStella MZライブラリのコードを使用した互換性パッチをVisuStellaとは関係のない第三者を通じて作成する必要がある場合は、まずVisuStellaのメンバーと連絡を取り、承認を得る必要があります。パッチはVisuStella.comに公開され、誰でも無料でダウンロードすることができるようになります。このようなパッチを、制作発注やクラウドファンディングの対象にしたり、寄付などの金銭的な利益を得るために販売することはできません。
7. このVisuStella MZプラグインが商用製品である場合、プロジェクトチームのすべてのメンバーは、それを使用するため、それぞれ製品を購入しなければなりません。使用方法には、関連するゲームメカニクスの作業、関連するコードの管理、および/または関連するプラグインコマンドや機能の使用、が含まれます。プラグインそのものやそのコードをチームの他のメンバーに再配布することは第4項に抵触するため、そのメンバーがプラグインそのものを所有していない限りは許可されません。
8. このプラグインの利用規約の追加項目や補足については、VisuStella.comに掲載されていますので、それを参照し従ってください。
If you are using this plugin, credit the following people in your game:
Team VisuStella
- Yanfly
- Arisu
- Olivia
- Irina
Version 1.27: November 14, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Added better compatibility with Skill Cooldowns' <Once Per Turn> notetag.
Version 1.26: August 29, 2024
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New Notetags added by Arisu:
- <AI PDR Influence: x.x>
- <AI MDR Influence: x.x>
- Sets how much TGR weight influence is given based on the PDR/MDR rate.
- <Bypass AI PDR Influence>
- <Bypass AI MDR Influence>
- Makes the actor/enemy not factor in PDR/MDR rates when calculating TGR weights to determine action targets.
- New Plugin Parameters added by Arisu:
- Parameters > Weights > PDR Rate => TGR
- Parameters > Weights > PDR Rate => TGR > Influence Rate
- Parameters > Weights > MDR Rate => TGR
- Parameters > Weights > MDR Rate => TGR > Influence Rate
- Alters the default PDR/MDR Influence rate.
- New Notetags added by Arisu:
Version 1.25: June 13, 2024
- Feature Updates!
- Reduced AI thinking times. Update made by Olivia.
Version 1.24: March 14, 2024
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that would cause an infinite loop with certain battle systems under on the spot AI setting. Fix made by Olivia.
Version 1.23: January 18, 2024
- Compatibility Update!
- Updated better compatibility with Battle System - STB and Auto Skill Triggers to prevent infinite loops. Update made by Olivia.
Version 1.22: December 14, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Updated better compatibility for the new Battle System FTB, ETB, and PTB updates. Update made by Olivia.
Version 1.21: April 13, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that prevented enemies from using skills that had the <Target: x Random Any> notetag. Fix made by Irina.
Version 1.20: February 16, 2023
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for Battle Core updated version 1.74 new features.
Version 1.19: January 20, 2023
- Bug Fixes!
- On-The-Spot A.I. no longer overwrites Forced Actions. Fix made by Arisu.
- Compatibility Update!
- Added compatibility functionality for Battle Core updated version 1.73 new features.
Version 1.17: May 12, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Better RNG calculation when using the x% Chance conditional. Update made by Arisu.
Version 1.16: February 24, 2022
- Feature Update!
- Randomization between zero variance A.I. is now better.
- A.I. will no longer keep unusable skills in a skill queue and replace them with new ones.
Version 1.15: December 2, 2021
- Compatibility Update!
- AI for skills and items should now work if their scope is <Target: All Allies But User>. Update made by Irina.
Version 1.14: October 21, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- Notetag section "Condition List" updated with the following:
- *NOTE* JavaScript cannot be used without comparison operators to reduce error. This means if you want to check if a switch is on or not, don't simply use "$gameSwitches.value(42)" as it does not have any comparison operators. Instead, use "$gameSwitches.value(42) === true" to check.
- Updated section "Regarding $gameTroop.turnCount() for A.I. Conditions"
- New Experimental Feature!
- New Plugin Parameter added by Yanfly:
- A.I. General Settings > Experimental > On-The-Spot A.I.
- A.I. enemies/actors determine actions on the spot when it's their turn.
- Functions akin to YEP's Battle A.I. Core where enemies determine new actions on the spot. Doing so will forcefully change the way the Turn Count is handled for Game_Battler to not utilize the +1.
- This will forcefully remove the +1 towards the count and forcefully make enemies re-evaluate actions upon the start of the string of their actions. This comes with some side effects that will potentially give A.I. advantages or disadvantages depending on the battle system type. Action Speed becomes something that can be abused as it is normally something that is determined based on the queued actions. A.I. can pick a high speed weak action and then switch it for a slow speed strong action. There is no proper fix to this due to how on-the-spot A.I. works as it is ill-fitted for speed-relative battle systems. You have been warned.
- In the event that this Plugin Parameter IS enabled, then using the turnCount JavaScript code should work again due to the normalization of how the turn property is calculated.
- A.I. General Settings > Experimental > On-The-Spot A.I.
- New Plugin Parameter added by Yanfly:
- Optimization Update!
- Updated last version's newest change to be more optimized and occur upon each iteration of a new subject being determined to account for better check timing. Update made by Yanfly.
Version 1.13: October 13, 2021
- Feature Update!
- A.I. Battlers with no currently determined actions, upon the start of the time frame for what would be their action, will have one more chance of determining a new action to use as to not waste their turns.
- This does NOT mean that the A.I. Battlers will adjust their actions for one with a higher rating. The readjustment will only occur if there are no actions determined for that instance and only a one time window upon the start of the time frame for what would be their action.
- Update made by Arisu.
Version 1.12: October 7, 2021
- Documentation Update!
- Added section "Regarding $gameTroop.turnCount() for A.I. Conditions".
- Feature Update!
- Any A.I. Conditions found with "turnCount()" will be automatically disabled in order to reduce confusion. This is due to how turnCount() functions do not accurately depict the current Turn Count depending on when the function runs. Update made by Olivia.
Version 1.11: September 30, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Patched up a rare occurance of predetermined actions still having priority despite having no valid targets. Fix made by Olivia.
Version 1.10: September 23, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused "highest" and "lowest" target schemes to be inverted. Fix made by Olivia.
Version 1.09: July 9, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- Fixed a bug that caused "highest" and "lowest" target schemes to be inverted. Fix made by Arisu.
Version 1.08: April 16, 2021
- Feature Update!
- Cached randomization seeds should no longer conflict with certain scope types. Update made by Irina.
- Optimization Update!
- Plugin should run more optimized.
Version 1.07: January 22, 2021
- Bug Fixes!
- <AI Target: x> notetags should no longer crashes. Fix made by Irina.
Version 1.06: January 8, 2021
- Feature Update!
- For those using classic mode with a variance level of 0, action lists will be better shuffled to provide more variation between selected skills. Update made by Irina.
Version 1.05: December 25, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Help file updated for new features.
- New Features!
- New notetag added by Yanfly!
- <AI Target: type>
- Bypasses TGR influence in favor of picking a specific target out of a group of valid targets (does not pick from outside the valid target group) for a skill target. Read documentation to see targeting types.
- <AI Target: type>
- New notetag added by Yanfly!
Version 1.04: December 18, 2020
- Documentation Update!
- Added documentation for notetag <Reference AI: Enemy id>
- Actors are only able to use skills they would normally have access to. - Actors need to have LEARNED the skill. - Actors need to be able to access the skill's SKILL TYPE. - Actors need to have the RESOURCES to pay for the skill. - If you cannot figure out why an auto battle actor cannot use a specific skill, turn OFF auto battle and see if you can use the skill normally.
Version 1.03: December 4, 2020
- Compatibility Update!
- Plugins should be more compatible with one another.
Version 1.02: November 1, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- Charmed battlers will no longer vanish when attack one another. Fix made by Yanfly.
Version 1.01: October 18, 2020
- Bug Fixes!
- <All AI Conditiosn> and <Any AI Conditions> notetags are now fixed and should work properly. Fix made by Yanfly.
Version 1.00: September 30, 2020
- Finished Plugin!
See Also
- Inspiration Behind Wave 3