Adiboo: Magical Playland - The Cutting Room Floor (2024)

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Adiboo: Magical Playland

Also known as: Adibou 2 (FR), Adi Junior / Addy Junior (DE)
Developer: Coktel Vision
Publishers: Coktel Vision (EU), Sierra On-Line (US)‎, Knowledge Adventure (US)
Platform: Windows
Released in US: 1996
Released in EU: 1996

This game has a hidden developer message.
This game has hidden bonus content.

Key Files

In the latest releases of the game, the developers included two additional files within their resource archives, which aren't used in-game but serve a different purpose.

Each file contains a secret that can be more or less easily found.

They are conveniently named BOU.KEY and BOU1.KEY to make them more suspicious (no other file has a .KEY extension) and placed at the end of their container file, INTROENV.STK.


Probably the more interesting of the two. This is actually a 256-color palette indexed BMP file, but viewing it will only give a mostly black image with seemingly random colors.

However, it actually hides Windows-1252 encoded text data, where each row of the BMP represents one line in the resulting text, and each pixel value the character code. To add more complexity, each pixel value is the flipped version of the character code.

In the end, the result is a humorous text written in French by the developers. It also serves as an hidden credit list of the dev team.

Coktels ProductionsPrésente d'après une oeuvre originale deJoedit "Black Panthere"dit "L'homme multicolore"dit "Le grand sourd avec des vêtements noirs"dit "Men in black 5 ans avant""LE NAIN DE JARDIN QUI PARLE!"------------------------------avec par ordre alphabétiqueLes Lettris-----------CORINNEdit "Coco"dit "Speedy Gonzales"signe particulier:"Se prend pour Gene Kelly"MARTINEdit "Tante martine"dit "Pas de chance"signe particulier:"Attends toujours l'illumination"les Coloris-----------FRANCOISdit "Bisounours"dit "Le Zonard" signe particulier:"Aimerais être Vizir à la place du Grand Vizir"JOSEPHdit "Le Chef"dit "Grand Da"signe particulier:"Ne se voit pas dans le noir"PACOdit "Petit DA"dit "Dick Rivers"signe particulier:"même maladie chromatique que le Grand DA"les Binairis------------DANIELdit "Danette"dit "Je suis trop petit"signe particulier:"A peine plus grand qu'Adibou"OLLIVIERdit "Mr Clain"dit "Mr l'ambassadeur"signe particulier:"Adore les chèvres"JEAN-PAULdit "Juan Paulo"dit "Le petit Jean-Paul"signe particulier:"Grand créateur de casses-têtes"PASCALdit "Knife"dit "Pepito"signe particulier:"Se prends pour Plop"Et voilà rien que pour vous!un petit moment de folieEcoute-moi bien c'est simple:Pour sortir d'un écran à l'intérieur d'une activité,ou revenir à l'extérieur de l'endroit où tu étais juste avantd'avoir cliqué, clique sur la porte de sortie qui peut tepermettre de sortir de l'écran dans lequel tu te trouveset tu pourras alors revenir à l'extérieur de ta nouvelleactivité ou quitter l'intérieur de l'endroit où tu étaisjuste avant d'avoir cliqué.Mais si tu préfères rester là où tu es, c'est-à-direque tu ne veux plus sortir de l'écran à l'intérieur de ton activitéou revenir à l'extérieur de l'endroit où tu te trouvais justeavant ne clique pas la porte de sortie qui aurait pu tepermettre de sortir de l'écran dans lequel tu te trouvaisavant d'avoir cliqué.Si tu as des difficultés pour accomplir ce geste, tu peux, si tu veux, pour t'aider, appeler un adulte au,non excuse-moi je me suis trompé de code, c'est le,ah non ce code là je l'ai déjà attribué, alors c'est le, mais non ce code a plus de 10 caractères...Ecoute le mieux c'est que tu appelles Martine, elle t'expliquera!
Coktels ProductionsPresent, based on an original work byJoeknown as "Black Panthere"known as "The Multicolored Man"known as "The big deaf guy with black clothes"known as "Men in black 5 years earlier""THE TALKING GARDEN GNOME!"------------------------------with in alphabetical orderThe Lettris-----------CORINNEknown as "Coco"known as "Speedy Gonzales"particular sign:"Thinks she’s Gene Kelly"MARTINEknown as "Aunt Martine"known as "Bad luck"particular sign:"Still waits for enlightenment"the Coloris-----------FRANCOISknown as "Care Bear"known as "The slumdweller"particular sign:"Would like to be Vizier instead of the Grand Vizier".JOSEPHknown as "The Chief"known as "Grand Da"particular sign:"Can't be seen in the dark"PACOknown as "Little DA"known as "Dick Rivers"particular sign:"same chromatic disease as the Big DA"the Binairis------------DANIELknown as "Danette"known as "I am too small"particular sign:"Barely taller than Adiboo"OLLIVIERknown as "Mr Clain"known as "Mr. Ambassador"particular sign:"Loves goats".JEAN-PAULknown as "Juan Paulo"known as "Little Jean-Paul".particular sign:"Great creator of puzzles".PASCALknown as "Knife"known as "Pepito"particular sign:"Thinks he's Pup"And here is just for you!a little moment of madnessListen well to me it's simple:To exit a screen inside an activity,or return to the place where you were just beforeyou clicked, click on the exit door that can take you out of thewhich can allow you to exit the screen you are inand you will be able to return to the outside of your newactivity or leave the place where you were just before clicking.Just before you clicked.But if you prefer to stay where you are, that isyou don't want to leave the screen inside your activityor go back outside the place where you were just beforenot click on the exit door that would have allowed you tothat would have allowed you to exit the screen you were inbefore you clicked it.If you have difficulties in doing this, you can, if you want, to help you, call an adult at,no, I'm sorry, I have the wrong code, it's,oh no, that code I've already assigned, so, it's, but no, this code has more than 10 characters…Listen, the best thing is that you call Martine, she will explain you!


This one seems more straightforward than the BOU.KEY.

It is actually a VMD file, a proprietary multimedia format used by the game to store video/animation and audio data. This one only contains an audio track that plays the intro theme of the 80s TV series Magnum, P.I.

Adiboo: Magical Playland - The Cutting Room Floor (2024)
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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.