667 near-perfect Emulation [SALE] - RuneSuite RSPS Development (2024)

About My Services

👋 Introduction to LegacyScape:

After a long considerable thought, it's time that I move on from RSPS and everything that comes with it.

I am thrilled to present to you a remarkable opportunity - a server that I have meticulously
developed and nurtured for almost the past 2 years, and it's now ready to find its new home.

This server isn't just any ordinary server; it's a testament to dedication, expertise, and innovation,
designed to meet the most demanding needs of modern servers.

🚀 Server Highlights:

  • Packed with Content:The server comes fully loaded with extensive features and resources.
  • Single or Multi Player:This server is designed with many game modes in mind. Ranging from Regular modes to Ironman modes, you can play this game on your own or with others.
  • Exceptional Support:I'm not just selling a server; I'm offering you my expertise when needed. I'll be there to assist you in getting started and ensuring the server seamlessly integrates with your operations.
  • Customisation and Optimisation:I may be able to help you customize the server to suit your unique needs and workloads, for a price. This isn't just a one-size-fits-all solution; it's tailored to you.

💼 Why Sell This Server?
As much as I love this server, it's time for it to move to a new owner who can fully utilise its capabilities.
I've reached a stage in life where I just can't afford to give this any more time and effort.
I've had some incredible experiences working while with this project, and I believe it's bound to take your game to new heights.
I'm confident that this server can make a real difference in the RSPS community.

🔗 Explore Our Project Thread:

📷 View Project Images

It's recommended checking out the project thread for more development-focused images. For just quick & main images see below (LONG);

🔍 View Patch Notes (LONG)

20/01/22 -Cleaned Settings class and started work on reworked rights system
20/01/22 -Fully added prayer bones burying and ash scattering
21/01/22 -New routing system added into game
21/01/22 -Reorganised ObjectHandler and new routing system implemeneted for objects
21/01/22 -Added full advanced gnome agility course
22/01/22 -Fixed an advanced barbarian agility course bug which crashed the game
22/01/22 -Fixed all of Wilderness agility course to match how it should be with real RS
23/01/22 -Added some extra herbs into the cleaning method
24/01/22 -Added H.A.M Hideout at lumbridge and added spawns for thieving npc's
24/01/22 -Fixed object clipping issues when trying to remove objects
25/01/22 -Organised dialogue classes and added new dialogue system.
25/01/22 -Added dialogue for HAM members
25/01/22 -Added a stunned check for pickpocketing
25/01/22 -Fixed issue where pickpocket thieiving didn't give random amount of gp
25/01/22 -Reorganised NPCHandler and new routing system implemeneted for npcs
25/01/22 -Created dialogue for cave goblin npcs
25/01/22 -Added stalls for method of training thieving and edited loot to be beneficial for ironmen
25/01/22 -Added thieves' guild
25/01/22 -Added thieves' guild thieving doors and chest training method
30/01/22 -Fully added leather crafting with leaths of all types
30/01/22 -Fixed patch that let player use same item on itself to create an action.
04/02/22 -Added spinning wheel crafting
04/02/22 -Added battlestaff crafting including armadyl battlestaff
04/02/22 -Added grammar checked methods in Utils.java and player [for skilling messages only] #Starting progess towards efficient code
04/02/22 -Fixed fletching would fletch whole inventory issue
05/02/22 -Fixed issue where butterfly net couldn't be worn
05/02/22 -Added dialogue for Max.
05/02/22 -Started organising edgeville //npcs and objects
06/02/22 -Added useful commands and ;;home command
06/02/22 -Edited healer and home for options and added healing things.
06/02/22 -Added mandrith to home and added system to buy rare revenant statues for gp. //functions like rs3 in past.
06/02/22 -Reorganised InventoryOptionsHandler and added method identification
06/02/22 -Fixed prices to be loaded correctly and added item examines with price guide
06/02/22 -Made server info messages match rs3 style
06/02/22 -Fixed level up messsages to match rs3
06/02/22 -Fixed global messages for 99s, 120s and maxed
08/02/22 -Added npcs and interfaces for home shops
08/02/22 -Added 104m and 200m xp global messages
08/02/22 -Added gamemodes. 4 types with different xp/drop rates.
08/02/22 -Added skill xp boost to follow gamemode xprate multiplier.
08/02/22 -Fixed droprate algorithm system
08/02/22 -Fixed issue where drops would sometimes send and sometimes not
08/02/22 -Fixed bandos and zammy drops @nex ->TODO
-08/02/22 -Fixed Spawns for Mourner Tunnels and Jatizso and Asganian Ice.
08/02/22 -Edited npc drops table interface to make it look better
09/02/22 -Fixed spawns for some gwd minions.
09/02/22 -Fixed pathfinding for picking items up
09/02/22 -Added tertiary drops for npcs
11/02/22 -Fixed animations for all gwd minion bosses
11/02/22 -Added missing gwd objects and implemented content 99% to osrs @armadyl entrace ->TODO
11/02/22 -Fixed issue when using a teleport spell, it would play a sound
12/02/22 -Added account settings to adverture log button in settings tab.
12/02/22 -Added loot beam mechanic, can be changed in account settings dialogue, default value 10k
12/02/22 -Cleaned up npc sendDrop method and added luck ring messages and loot beams and messages for valuable drops
12/02/22 -Fixed slayer gem to give messages instead of dialogues
12/02/22 -Fixed and added some slayer messages to be like rs3 slayer
12/02/22 -Added slayer task streaks for single slayer only and slayer points boost depending on steak amount
15/02/22 -Added prices for hydrix items to roughly match rs3 prices.
15/02/22 -Refixed dialogues again and fixed Slayer gem dialogue.
16/02/22 -Redone slayer tasks system and added 4 slayer masters at home
16/02/22 -Redone slayer master dialogue to match rs3
16/02/22 -Changed slayer shop to match rs3 items
16/02/22 -Rewrote commands classes to a better system
21/02/22 - -Add full tut islands spawns
21/02/22 - -Got Rid of Wrong Spawns
24/02/22 - - Added full waterbirth Spawns
26/02/22 -Fixed issue with Turael dialogue at home which didn't let you continue dialogue
26/02/22 -Fixed prices for revenant statue drops
27/02/22 -Fixed issue where none stackable drops were not drop correctly. ie. 1 drop on the ground, 4 items go into inventory
27/02/22 -Added killcount messages for all gwd bosses including nex.
01/06/22 -Fixed all teleport stone teleports
01/06/22 -Added brimhaven objects
01/06/22 -Added fremennik objects
01/06/22 -Added slayer tower objects
01/06/22 -Added a lot of different objects around the world
01/06/22 -Added lots of different spawns around the world
02/06/22 -Added all rellekka spawns
02/06/22 -Added ability to make rock-shell, skeletal and spined armour talking to skulgrimen,peer the seer, sigli the huntsman
02/06/22 -Added ability to travel between rellekka and waterbirth island by boat
03/06/22 -Started work on instances
04/06/22 -Added last teleport option to teleporting stone
11/08/22 -Added working shortcut house to hill giants in edgeville with brass key
11/08/22 -Started work on moving object door handling to DoorHandler.java#
12/08/22 -Added combination rune crafting
13/08/22 -Added tiara crafting
16/08/22 -Rewritten and completed mining class
17/08/22 -Implemented pickaxe scaling like rs3
17/08/22 -Fixed issue where picking up snare / box trap would glitch player to a stuck animation
17/08/22 -Improved a few hunter messages. Made hunter more like runescape
20/08/22 -Fixed issue where you couldn't remove equipment from equipment interface
23/08/22 -Fixed issue where price checker interface wouldn't reset after exiting
23/08/22 -Somewhat made the Items Kept on Death interface better and semi-working
27/08/22 -Implemented new construction. Made it better than last one
27/08/22 -Added different locations to Houses and the ability to change it by Estate Agent
27/08/22 -Implemented Full RS3 Dialogue for Estate Agent
27/08/22 -Added ability to suppress the dialogue for removing object like RS3
28/08/22 -Started work on implementing dungeoneering
29/08/22 -Added full dungeoneering tab, dungeoneering pick floor inteface, and complexity interface
29/08/22 -Added full daemonheim spawns and dialogues for npcs like rs3
29/08/22 -Added full dungeoneering interface correctly matching rs3
29/08/22 -Changed Dungeoneering MapBuilder to use RegionBuilder, matches our revision best
29/08/22 -Unified the methods of ObjectHandler into one
29/08/22 -Started cleaning up spawns. 2 Types of spawns for objects/npcs. Dump = spawns for dumping with alot of data, Manual = everything else.
29/09/22 -Added more full object removals (incl clipping) from ManualObjectSpawning
01/09/22 -Fully added weaving by clicking loom or using item on loom.
03/09/22 -Fully added meat cooking by using item on range
03/09/22 -Fully added bread cooking by using item on range
06/09/22 -Fully added pie cooking
06/09/22 -Fully added stew cooking
06/09/22 -Fully added pizza cooking
06/09/22 -Fully added cake cooking
06/09/22 -Fully added wine/hot drinks cooking
06/09/22 -Fully added vegetable cooking
06/09/22 -Fully added dairy cooking
08/09/22 -Fully added armour crafting
08/09/22 -Fully added glass crafting
08/09/22 -Fully added jewellery crafting
08/09/22 -Fully added weapons crafting
09/09/22 -Fully added item filling with water/sap/milk/sand/slime/wax
09/09/22 -Fully added relevant item emptying
10/09/22 -Fully added all logs burning
10/09/22 -Fully added barbarian firemaking with all animations
13/09/22 -Fully added arrow making like rs3
14/09/22 -Fully added potion making
14/09/22 -Fully added herb cleaning
14/09/22 -Fully added barbarian potion making
14/09/22 -Fixed sendIComponentSprite method by decoding it
14/09/22 -Fully added herblore equipment
15/09/22 -Fully added potion mixing - no flasks
15/09/22 -Started work on potion decanting
16/09/22 -Fully added ingredient grinding
22/09/22 -Fixed female body appearance issues
22/09/22 -Fixed world map icons issue
12/10/22 -Many fixes documented in rune-server thread

#Week 10/10/22:
-Added most melee weapon special attacks
-Added all range weapon special attacks
-Fixed many range animations and gfx
-Added correct projectile gfx for darts, knives, javelins and thrownaxes
-Fixed timing issues between thrown projectile gfx and animation
-Added gfx for different arrows and bolts
-Added all enchanted bolt specials
-Fixed issues where using last amount of throwable range weapon would still show character holding weapon after shot
-Added multi-target hitting for ancient spells like barrage and burst
-Fixed issue for multi-target hits where gfx only applied to one npc instead of all
-Removed npc stacking
-Added npc name tagging to see which npc your in combat with
-Door handling algorithm added, some doors, like in rs3 will need to be manually handled e.g. heroes guild entrance doors
-Added all miasmic spells with zuriels staff with correct anims and gfx
-Added all ancient magic spells with correct gfx
-Added fix where using multi-spell on npc then single spell, would send animation to all targets using single
-Added object handler fix for clicking objects that are too far away from the player
-Fixed some random npc spawns
-Fixed item prices by loading them from cache not a file
-Changed many item prices to provide economic stability

#Week 17/10/22:
-Created home npc shops and interfaces for purchasing
-Loaded itemExamines from runescape wiki
-Added npc option check for when player is too far to click
-Fixed issue on equipment tab where taking armour off wouldn't refresh equipment bonuses
-Added game message for player when clicking on quick prayers without setting them
-Added smart player-object routing alike rs3 object handling
-Fixed small issue where if player is infront of object with last object click check it wouldn't click
-Added smart player-npc routing alike rs3 npc handling
-Fixed smart routing issue where clicking on npc/object then on a tile would route you back towards the object
-Added npc names above head to make game look less plain
-Added bank value into bank interface title
-Increased multiple item examine value to over int max (2147m), now long max.
-Fixed many issues with bank and deposit interface
-Added deposit/withdraw -X amount and sent full configs for both bank and deposit interface
-Added insert items mode into bank, fully functional
-Added crystal chest and option to view its loot
-If admins drop items, the items will now be destroyed
-Added giant mole including combat
-Added full kalphite queen including combat
-Added full glacor and glacytes including combat
-Added last-location option to teleport stone to teleport quicker around game
-Added full tormented demon including combat
-Fixed error for npc incoming hit wasn't processed before combat xp was given.
-Fixed drop rates for all bosses

#Week 24/10/22:
-Added hitlook for player when eating
-Made most of the food I could find edible
-Added karambwan eating mechanic
-Removed hitlook and healing when player ate with full hp
-Food will now heal amount of hp left to max hp, if amount left to max hp is less than heal amount
i.e 900+200 = 1100, now will heal and show only 90
-Added cooking guild npcs, shops, dialogues. TODO bank @ guild
-Added door opening mechanism for entering warriors guild
-Removed inside warriors guild doors for entrance to animated room
-Added more cyclops spawns into warriors guild
-Fixed cyclops and cyclossus attack/def/death animations
-Fixed cyclops and cyclossus drops
-Added defender drops to cyclops, bronze -> rune
-1 in 10 chance to spawn cyclossus when killing cyclops and wearing rune defender and 1/16 chance to get dragon defender
-Fixed warriors guild issue where you couldn't spawn black animated armour set
-Fixed issue where trade interface said null for player name
-Fixed few more npc animations
-Added altar of zaros at home, (ability to switch to curse prayers and pray for more points)
-Added quick-switch option to altar of zaros object to quickly switch between prayer books
-Fixed prayer book game messages to show prayer names when clicking etc
-Fixed issue where you couldn't pray at chaos altars
-Added offer option to chaos altars to quick offer
-Added option to teleport to chaos altar at level 37 wildy in teleporting stone
-Changed charms drops to drop around 250% more charms than usual in each charm drop (match xp rate progression)
-Fixed issue where resting wouldn't speed up run energy restore
-Fixed an incorrect rare drop message.
-Added bracelet of clay content to give soft clay instead of clay when mining (unlimited charges)
-Added item enchanting with all items able to enchant
-Reduced slayer task amount by 400% to match economic progression.
-Fixed resting wouldn't restore run energy at a faster speed
-Fixed issue where barbarian agiltiy course rope wouldn't work
-Added manual routing for some objects

#Week 31/10/22:
-Fixed some summoning pouches that couldn't be created
-Changed summoning code to remove creating pouch items in one tick now
-Fixed horribly coded region object spawning system. (10+ files)
-Added all birds hunting
-Fixed wrong bird hunting xp and item rewards
-Fixed issue where loading client through IDE would not work
-Fixed crash when you open second instance of client.
-Fixed issue where you couldn't resize second instance of client. Only works in software mode (DirectX, OpenGL now working atm)
-Fixed issue with firemaking where you couldn't create a fire due to new objects system
-Fixed issues with manual routing for objects
-Added revenants with correct combat
-Added forinthry brace effect for revenants
-Added forinthry braces into combat armour shops
-Fixed some more item prices
-Fixed revenant drop rates and added statuettes/brawling gloves to revenant drops

#Week 07/11/22:
-Edited summoning shops to provide more items for players
-Fixed some more item prices for summoning
-Added taverly dungeon spawns
-Added a new fully working npc drops table interface
-Added fully working player examine interface
-Added examine option to players
-Removed a possible exploit on interface 275
-Fixed warriors guild controller
-Removed replacement spawns for warriors guild bank and added manual route for bank booth
-Added manual routes for warrior guild stairs as they were wrong
-Updated walking packet to use RouteEvent for smother pathfinding
-Fixed door routing issues where you weren't forced to walk to infront of door
-Updated netty version
-Added all grand exchange items sets exchaning and set creation
-Fixed issue where you couldn't open only 1 skill pack, just all
-Added strange old man at barrows who will give you a spade if you don't have one
-Added some more double xp configs
-Increased gem rock chances to get rarer rocks
-Fixed some mining messages
-Added sound effects to missing skill actions
-Added full gem bag
-Fixed glitch where pickpocketing npcs could crash game
-Fixed bug where you could buy mutliple gem bags
-Clean up source code, removed alot of dead code
-Made some performance increases on game play
-Added full iban blast with correct gfx
-Fixed some more wrong object routing

#Week 14/11/22:
#Week 21/11/22:
-Fixed issue where instances npcs wouldn't be able to attack you
-Added monkey madness quest - most quests will be only boss fights to unlock things, useful for ironmen
-Added quest completion requirements for items and object/npcs soon
-Added more music tracks into different scenarios. eg. first time login - scape original
-Added new quest system
-Added quest Monkey Madness
-Fixed issue where quest wouldn't save progress for players
-Fixed some more quest issues.
-Added quest Lunar Diplomacy to unlock lunar equipment and spellbook
-Added configs for quests and now will show red/yellow/green colour in quest book for quest stages
-Added skillcape stands to buy any skillcapes from
-Added skillcape shops now gives respective hood when buying cape (skillcape/trimmed only)
-Fixed null text on item information interface

#Week 28/11/22:
#Week 5/12/22:
-Fixed npc combat issue where they hit 0s alot.
-Added npc combat from far away if its using range or mage
-Fixed issue where you couldn't attack instanced monsters with range or mage
-Added quest Recipe for Disaster to unlock barrows gloves
-Added chest spawn config for players who have completed the quest
-Added shops for recipe for disaster chest
-Fixed major issues where object click would loop until you moved
-Fixed lag before region building for instances
-Added fight caves with perfect jad combat (1 wave only)
-Fixed issue where new banks had a random item in it
-Fixed issue where instanced npcs were not aggressive
-Fixed warrior guild issues fully working now
-Fixed issue where guide option wouldn't open farming guide
-Added all allotment farming
-Added all herbs farming
-Added all hops farming
-Added all tree farming
-Fixed issue where you weren't able to use all hatchets on cutting down trees
-Added all fruit tree farming
-Added ability to put tree / tree seeds into farming pots
-Added all bush farming
-Added all flower farming
-Added herblore habitat seeds farming
-Fixed issue for autocasting wind rush
-Added untradeable items functionality into the game
-Added Full Dungeoneering
-Fixed issues with leaving dungeons
-Fixed issues with dungeoneering object interacting
-Fixed issues where regular npcs would attack player
-Fixed lots of end-dungeon interface issues
-Fixed issue where using item on item would give a random firemaking requirement message
-Added all remaining rs3 construction home portal object options i.e. enter house, enter house building, enter friends house
-Fixed construction preview room build issue where it wouldnt show

#Week 12/12/22:
#Week 19/12/22:
#Week 26/12/22:
-Fixed a bunch of constuction bugs and errors
-You can now move house locations and must enter at your house location
-Players now begin without a house. Players must now buy a house first
-Added new dragon combats for leather dragons like rs3
-Added full dragonfire shield effects and attacks
-Added full metal dragon combat, bronze to steel
-Fixed routing for brimhaven dungeon entrance
-Fixed broken dragonfire graphics
-Added combat for mithril dragons
-Improved combat for frost dragons, not rs3 completely

#Week 02/01/23:
-Added all of construction rooms
-Added most of construction builds
-Fixed some more issues with construction objects
-Proper king black dragon combat added
-Added construction wall decorating
-Removed construction level requirement for wall decorations
-Added all pottery, still to do urns
-Added full pyre ships
-Fixed drops for lost/confused barbarians to drop mangled bones
-Fixed drops for mithril dragons
-Fixed item requirement issues
-Added requirements for all firemaking equipments
-Fixed issues where some trees werent removed properly when cut down
-Added all equipment implementing for firemaking
-Added fishing guild - fishing spots, npcs and entrance
-Fixed issues with player routing to gates

#Week 09/01/23:
-Fixed issues with food eating code causing issues
-Fixed ;;dung teleport command which teleported to wrong area
-Fixed issues with exchanging rune armour sets at g.e
-Added all full potions effects
-Added sanfew npc at home to decant potions
-Added potion decanting, only to 4 doses right now
-Added agility pyramid ~ still have to do rotation blocks ~ not full
-Added greegrees into game and ability to switch into any monkey/gorilla in ape atoll only
-Added ape atoll agility
-Fixed issues some movement with greegree issues
-Fixed issues where npcs would be agressive to players holding greegrees
-Added effigies and dragonkin lamps
-Fixed issues for ironman players that couldn't pick up items
-Fixed issues where dungeoneering bows weren't recognised, attacked with melee
-Set run energy to 100 for whole server
-Added new lamp system into game for all lamps
-Fixed issue where player deaths were broken
-Added some more missing spawns in ardougne
-Fixed weird combat issues
-Fixed issues where you could teleport outside of dungeoneering dungeons
-Fixed issues with range bows in dungeoneering
-Fixed issues with magic combat spells in dungeoneering
-Changed 50k gp drop to caskets with: 2 rolls of (1 in 150 & 1 in 50). Dark and light caskets, give (105k-205k) & (45k-55k)
-Added new feature; ability to reset any slayer task with turael for the cost of reseting slayer streak from Rs3
-Fixed issues where some monsters were not recognised are slayer tasks
-Fixed some big player combat issues, now will properly attack within 7 tiles with range and magic
-Fixed issues where npcs could attack you from anywhere
-Fixed issues where sometimes wilderness level tab wouldn't show up
-Fixed issues with wilderness deaths
-Improved some more spawns
-Added teleport to slayer masters option in slayer gem
-Improved some alot more spawns
-Added slayer gem teleport to slayer masters option
-Added slayer gem/master option to teleport player to task for 25k
-Added proper death and item reclaim option
-Added gravestones and ability to bless them
-Added gravestone change interface and ability to change them for a price
-Fixed issues where interacting with graves would make them turn around

#Week 16/01/23:
-Added knife which was missing from skilling shop
-Added farming shop supplies to skilling saleswoman
-Fixed issue with firemaking sounds when a log was lit
-Fixed issue where you could still pickpocket while stunned
-Fixed issues where you could bug npc combat by walking the target
-Fixed issues with music managers
-Fixed issues where random objects would spawn incorrectly
-Added remove any interface by clicking options ~like current runescape
-Added continue / click dialogue optinos using keyboard ~like current runescape
-Fixed issues where starting players didnt get any food with their starter
-Fixed issues where a debugging message was sent to player during combat
-Added a new quest tab to show which quests are actually available
-Fixed some more issues with random objects spawns
-Fixed a few crafting items that had the wrong level requirement
-Fixed issues where using item on gem bag shows nothing interesting happens
-Fixed some more issues with using keyboard for dialogues
-Fixed some runecrafting issues with entering ruins
-Added full charter travelling system
-Fixed some duplicate charter crewmember spawns
-Added spirit tree teleportation system
-Added glider teleportation system
-All new players automatically now will join help chat
-Added new server informations tab
-Added loyalty points into server, you get 250 every hour you play
-Fixed drop rate for cyclops for defenders
-Fixed issue where you couldn't open light caskets
-Fixed issues where prayer bonus didnt effect prayer drain rate
-Fully fixed prayer drain rate and fixed prayer draining to match rs3 with prayer bonus

#Week 23/01/23:
-Added missing gold mining rocks @ (al-kharid/agility pyramid/falador mines)
-Fixed issues where gliders npc options were given to all npcs
-Added content where monkey archers cannot attack you if you are standing on jungle grass
-Fixed animations for monkey archers and zombie monkeys
-Added drops for monkey guards, archers and zombie monkeys
-Fixed issues where teleporting into wilderness would not start wilderness controller
-Fixed issues where dying didnt bring you to death
-Weekends now give 1.5 bonus xp
-Dark caskets have been nerfed, now give less coins 75k-105k
-Fixed issue where killing warriors guild animated armours gave double points
-Fixed issue where placing animated armours on platform would remove warriors guild interface
-Fixed broken animations for animated armours at warriors guild
-Fixed issues where you couldn't teleport outside of warriors guild
-Fixed issues where dying in warriros guild was broken
-Fixed issues with fight caves death were not safe - are now safe
-Barrows now works perfectly and overlay is sent correctly
-Fixed issues where barrows deaths were safe - are now unsafe
-Added new teleports interface
-Fixed issues where you couldn't open the large doors at fire giants
-Fixed issues where you couldn't place armour on warriors guild platform
-Added experiments spawns
-Added bandit spawns
-Fixed issues where you couldn't open wilderness course doors
-Fixed issues where you could spam agility course rock climb for alot of xp
-Added lundail spawn, dialogue and shop near wilderness arena
-Added new teleports interface and bunch of new teleport locations
-Fixed issues where gates couldn't be opened
-Added a bunch of functionality to stairs and ladders
-Fixed a few combat issues, should feel more smooth
-Added clue scrolls system into server
-Added ability to keep one type of each clue open simultaneously
-Added sealed clue scrolls and methods to prevent more than one type of clue open
-You can now drop clues and open new sealed scrolls to receive a new clue
-Fixed issues with virtus masks
-Added full character customisations into server
-Clicking on manually routed objects now will show the right flag location on the minimap
-Added grand exchange into game
-Fixed issues where grand exchange would not show correct item bonuses for items
-Added make-over mage at home
-Fixed dungeoneering issue where you couldn't bind items
-Fixed dungeoneering issue where opening map would open world map
-Fixed issues where select floor interface showed unlocked 60 floors even when you didnt have unlocked
-Fixed issues where change complexity interface didnt grey out options
-Fixed general issues with npcs nulling sometimes
-Improved npc combat pathing and combat formula
-Fixed issues in dungeoneering where staffs didnt have infinite respective runes
-Fixed dungeoneering issues where you couldn't pickup keys
-Fixed issues where you could walk into dung entrance object
-Clicking on dung doors now shows what keys you have if you don't have the correct key
-You can now clikc each party member button to skip waiting for dungeon to end or to leave
-Added bonecrusher function
-Fixed issues where npcs could attack you on different plane levels
-Fixed issues where you could pickup items from any tile distance
-Fixed issues where you couldn't enchant onyx items
-Fixed issues where graves didnt spawn when you died
-Added correct combat bonuses for luck rings as rs3
-Fixed issues to entering dagannoths and projectile issues with dagannoths
-Fixed some erorr messages with the crystal chest
-Fixed issues where beards appear through full masks
-Fixed some issues with barrows digging / teleporting / dialogue
-Fixed many broken godwars npc animations

#Week 30/01/23:
-Fixed issue where opening bank, then opening equipment interface caused interface to disappear
-Equipment bonuses inter now shows correct interface render animation for 2hs etc..
-Fixed some more renderring issues with helmets and masks
-Fixed issues where fishing guild bank couldn't be accessed
-Fixed issues where godwars kcs didnt reset when you enter room
-Fixed issues where godwars npcs were not aggressive
-Added missing npc spawns around the water at DKings
-Fixed issues where you couldn't switch to equipments tab from bank interface
-Fixed issues where you counldnt use spacebar to skip levelup dialogue
-Added ring of kingship equipment options
-Creating a party will now put you into your last floor and complexity like rs3
-Changed slide down from exit dungeon animation slightly
-Fixed issues where dungeoneering was not multicombat
-Fixed dungeoneering npc hp issues
-Fixed issues with teleports interface where sometimes it wouldn't refresh information on clicks
-Fixed some issues where bank wouldn't show items when you open it sometimes
-Fixed issues where you couldn't unpack initiate / proselyte armour sets
-Fixed issues where using watering can on patches didnt remove water charges on can
-Fixed issues where farming guide option didnt open farming skill interface
-Inspecting farming patches now will give you information on the stage of the patch
-Fixed issues where you couldn't place compost on a patch before putting seeds in
-Fixed issues where if you drop items and then logout, you couldn't see the item anymore
-Set drop item timers to match runescape. 1 min visible for you, then 1 more min for anyone else if tradeable
-Fixed issues with picking up items

#Week 17/02/23:
-Fixed issues with drops table where npcs where random drops showed up for npcs with little drops length
-Added message to npcs with no drops when you try examine their drop table
-Enchanted valley teleport now teleports you to the correct place
-Teleports interface: last/recent/favourite teleports now work as intended
-Removed ge section from edgeville bank
-Replaced bankers with broken render emotes at edge bank
-Removed lots of random npc spawns from game
-Added full trivia bot every 5 mins. 3 players can get the correct answer for 25k each.
-Fixed issues where opening armour sets could be opened with < 3 inv spaces
-Added option to open all bronze -> rune sets

***#Update 19/09/23:***
-Edited drops table to npc examine
-Dumped real rs boss combat definitions
-Added boss combat skill levels onto npc examine
-Fixed some teleporting issues
-fixed issues with clicking quick prayers when prayers already on
-Fixed jad animation issues and slightly changed combat
-Fixed some wilderness issues
-Fixed issues where you can still hit accurately with minus bonuses
-Redid combat formula and now accurately represents RS formula 100%

***#Update 27/09/23:***
-Added boss instances for most bosses
-Fixed issues with speccing
-Fixed issues with max hits
-Added fight kiln minigame, kill 3 jads for tokhaar-kal
-Added new information tab that will show server/character information
-Added bunch of new quests in tab, which will all be coming into the game
-Added ava's items functionality
-Fixed issues with chat interface buttons
-Added 100% ava's doors
-ADDED CHOSEN COMMANDER QUEST - reward: zanik cbow and bolts
-Fixed issues where you couldn't enter dorgeshkaan through doors
-ADDED DEMON SLAYER QUEST - reward: silver/darklight
-Fixed issues where vine whip spec would damage after death
-Found proper gfx for vine whip spec
-ADDED DRAGON SLAYER QUEST - reward: rune/green d'hide armour
-Removed random spawns in port sarim
-Fixed issues with fishing guild doors not working to let players in
-Added monkfish fishing spots in piscatoris
-Tightened npc/object interaction delays

🌐 Get in Touch:
If you're looking to take this project to the next level, this server is your ticket to success.
Please reach out to me through DISCORD ONLY, and I'll be happy to share more details,
discuss pricing, and answer any questions you might have.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a server that's been perfectly crafted for almost 2 years.
I'm excited to see it find a new home where it can shine even brighter.

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to connecting with potential buyers.

Discord: anamedsoul

667 near-perfect Emulation [SALE] - RuneSuite RSPS Development (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.